The Mysterious Black Appendicula

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Scholar, Addict and Aficionado of Orchidacea
Supporting Member
Feb 1, 2019
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Occasionally I collect rare botanicals that simply are irresistible. Presenting the newest procurement from West Borneo, the black leaved Appendicula spp (yet to be identified). It has been growing steadily in my tank for almost 9 months and decided to bloom cute white flowers from a sequentially bracted inflorescence. Height 20 cm only, so a mini! The keiki is from another division of this plant. So adorable.

They look like Malaysian snails. Great in an planted aquarium because they leave the plants alone and feed just on detritus. They will burrow, though.

That beauty/cutie reminds me of one of my favorite dendrobiums, D. loddigesii. I hate orchids that make me treat them differently than a phrag, but my heart is soft for mini’s. Now, don’t water...don’t water...DON‘T WATER...
They look like Malaysian snails. Great in an planted aquarium because they leave the plants alone and feed just on detritus. They will burrow, though.

That beauty/cutie reminds me of one of my favorite dendrobiums, D. loddigesii. I hate orchids that make me treat them differently than a phrag, but my heart is soft for mini’s. Now, don’t water...don’t water...DON‘T WATER...
That’s an interesting observation as to the type of snails. I will have to research on that.

Hehe many orchids need that drought. Just hang them far away from your watering wand!