Standard white neo (lots of photos)

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
Couldn't get pictures of the flowers while they were opening cause I wasn't home. Maybe I'll catch the last bud but I don't know because the third bud opened in a matter of hours.

John - You we're right I do so luuuuuvvv this one. I haven't detected a scent yet. But I will take a wiff before I go off to bed.

Anyone know about how long flowers on a neo last?

11.01.06 @ 6:43pm

11.05.06 @ 3:30pm

11.12.06 @ 3:10pm

11.12.06 @ 9:00pm

11.12.06 @ 3:10pm
These are fragrant at night Marco. After the sun goes down, they should get nice and strong. I think they smell like coconut macaroons.
Thanks everyone

Ron - It's been in s/h for about 2 months, ever since I got it.

John - I took a wiff of it just now. It has a slight fragrance. Jon hit it on the head when I asked him what it smells like. The candy sticks for fun dip. :drool:
Who would have guessed you'd have 4 flowers :rollhappy:
Looks great Marco! That's got to be one of my favorite scents of any orchid. Wish my spike would hurry the heck up.

That looks great Marco! I've finally broken down and am going to order some Neos and Angraecoids :D

- Matt
I took a wiff when I got home and all I gotta say is they have a strong fragrance for such little plants. mmmmm fun dip :drool:
When paphs and phrags die, only neos will be left :D (with the exception of Phrag. Jason Fischer).

Neo flowers usually look great for the first 7 to 14 days, then they start to slowly fade away.

You'll get good fragrance in about 2 to 3 more days, and it will be most potent and dusk and dawn. However, most neos are fragrant all day long to some extent.

What an off-season for a neo to bloom!

This reminds me that I have to start repotting and dividing some of mine!
Jason Fischer said:
This reminds me that I have to start repotting and dividing some of mine!

You still have my address for any that you don't have room for. :)
I had one Neo in my collection and love it. I have added three more this year and can't wait for them to bloom. I did my first Neo cross this year and it took. Now waiting for the pods to mature.
Ron did you cross a neo with another neo or a totally different species? Sorry, I don't know what it's called when you cross into different species
Ok here's a more recent picture. Some of you may be getting sick of it but oh I so love it. Even if it is a standard white :D

Poor lighting on this one
