Speaking of lindenii...

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You people will be sorry you asked for more photos.
Billie, that is my favorite stage also.
Zach...hrm, not sure? If I grew the capsule I'd probably send it to Troy Meyers. Maybe...

I think this plant is so fricken cool!
Every time I look at it, I have to remind myself - hey- no pouch! Makes me laugh.

Heather said:
Mine's a good 18-20" in leafspan, maybe a little more.
Not a small plant - more akin to caudatum than to warscewiczeanum/popowii.

Man that is a big plant. What kind of potting medium do you use? In comparison to your strap leaf multis do you give them more or less light?
Marco said:
Man that is a big plant. What kind of potting medium do you use? In comparison to your strap leaf multis do you give them more or less light?

My Paphs and Phrags get the same light whenever possible. South facing, w/ supplemental to cover cloudy days.

Potting medium is that of your Eva Weigner (at least for now). CHC/Diatomite/ a little perlite and charcoal. They seem to dig it. These have not been repotted since I first got them two years ago - about the longest in my collection! I am finding that those in spike dry out much faster than when not in spike. Remarkably faster!
kentuckiense said:
so pretty flowers i like long petalls

Zachary - are you trying to make trouble? lol...
Cut that out...hehe...

Okay, this plant is so bizarre. The first one dropped its petals (from the dorsal and synsepals, not completely!) and the other five are just growing and growing and not dropping...is this normal?

I'm tempted to carry it around the house in a little in hopes that they will jostle like the first bud did (as I was photographing it when it dropped) but it seems the petals might be longer if left alone. Has anyone seen this sort of behaviour before? Very curious!
I am still waiting for the petals to unfurl before I take more photos.
This plant is SO unruly with all those petals!

Actually, I have a Wildcatt Request - can someone send me a pdf of lindenii? I'm curious what the normal petal length is (mine seem awfully short so far!)
Thank you. :)

Also, one bud bloomed upside down, with the lower petal coming from the top! I thought it was just backwards, but the top is the bottom - if there were a pouch, it would be on top, near the dorsal. Does that make sense? Very strange, but hard to actually notice it, I had to look several times to see what was up. I am planning on bringing this to (maybe) both NHOS and MOS meetings in the next couple weeks, mostly for it's freak factor. I wonder if anyone else will notice it?
hmmm... yes, I think you best quarantine it... better yet, send it to Oz! It'll be far enough so that it doesn't affect any plant on the continent! :poke:
Heather said:
The petal is emerging from the top!
Or, maybe all the other ones are upside down?

That's trippy. Maybe you were standing on your head when you took the photo.

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