Whoa! Well that sounds like things turned out quite well! Congratulations to you!!! 

You’re doing great. I would use two more rounded stakes to protect the flowers from touching the bag.This is what I came up with for a frame for the clear garbage bags that I ordered.
View attachment 52095
That was an excellent solution and a great result. You have found the sweet spot for culture of besseae, kovachii, and hybrids.I drove the plant down to Jason at Orchids Ltd on Thursday as he offered to show it for me. That took a load off my mind since I had never entered anything into a show and was entirely ignorant on how to go about it. Plus it was a much shorter drive to the nursery then if I had to take it across town in the dead of winter.
Well I just heard back from him. I don't know the specifics on points yet, but it received an AM and a CCE! He also showed a kovachii for me and that earned an FCC with 91 points! I don't have any pictures of that one yet because it wasn't quite open fully on Thursday. I will post pictures in a separate posting when I have some available.
Pretty happy dude right now!