Paphiopedilum vietnamense

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
This is the second year in a row blooming this lovely little one. Hopefully, I can continue to keep it happy. It was part of a flask from Windy Hill. I sold several and kept six. This is the only one to bloom so far. Unfortunately, now I am down to three plants from the flask. After repotting, three seedlings immediately developed crown rot. They must gotten too much moisture in the crown following the stress if repotting. I will be more careful next time.

It's gorgeous. It's weird that maybe 10 years ago these were very easy to find for sale, but now it seems like you have to go out of your way to get one. I'm always on the fence with this species. The flowers are amazing, but short lived by Paph standards. Is this cultivar fragrant?
Very pretty flower! This species is one of the few paphs that responded well to semi hydro and leca for me. I believe in nature it is a lithophyte. This might explain the rot issue you had but it seems like you got a handle on it now.
Very pretty flower! This species is one of the few paphs that responded well to semi hydro and leca for me. I believe in nature it is a lithophyte. This might explain the rot issue you had but it seems like you got a handle on it now.
Sorry for the slight tangent, did delnatii or ho chi minh do well s/h? What other paphs did well for you s/h?
Nice coloration and form seems better this time or is it still expanding?
How long did the flower last last time?
There's always that fast and better one among the bunch. This might be your best out of that flask.
I thought about getting this species from Windy Hill, but I was never sure if I could keep this species happy.
Maybe you should try and self this one? ;)
It's gorgeous. It's weird that maybe 10 years ago these were very easy to find for sale, but now it seems like you have to go out of your way to get one. I'm always on the fence with this species. The flowers are amazing, but short lived by Paph standards. Is this cultivar fragrant?
Can you please tell me how long the flowers last with this species?
the shape of this flower is still good , I haven't seen this species with super flat flower presentation, so far the ones on the internet all have more or less wavy petals
Because that’s their proper form, which should be celebrated and maintained in all its wavy glory instead of bred to suit some sad, arbitrary “standard.”