Paphiopedilum parishii #1

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
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Paphiopedilum parishii #1-This plant has 5 flowers. The first bloom is completely opened. The purple petals become twisty now. The staminode is defective on the first flower but I will take it considering that this is a very hard species to find and to grow, let alone flowering it. Paphiopedilum parishii #2 is still budding, it might have 6 flowers, not sure. 1682280904783.png1682280911899.png1682280917348.png
Great you were able to find 2 plants. Better you brought them into bloom.
I noticed what looks like damage to the leaves, any idea on that?
Great you were able to find 2 plants. Better you brought them into bloom.
I noticed what looks like damage to the leaves, any idea on that?
I bought 3 in total, 2 nbs/ls and 1 ms seedlings close to 2 years ago. The 2 largest plants, one is blooming, the other one is budding. So I am pretty happy.

The damage on the leaves are from my cats. They eat/scratch the leaves. I tried my best to deter them by using cinammon powder, that's why the leaves are brown. The plants are very healthy with tons of roots.
Very nice. Can you please tell us more about how you are growing it.
smallest pot possible. It is potted in small bark bix, the other pot that is budding is potted in a medium bark mix. I think medium bark probably is better for the plant but I don't see any differences. I received the plants this way about 2 years ago, I never repotted. I only water it when it is completely dry (bone dry). Summer time, watering interval about once a week, Spring/Fall, watering interval about once every 9-10 days; winter, watering interval about once every 14 days. I grow them on a Southeast facing windowsill. Warm in the summer; spring/fall little bit cooler but still warm, winter time the room goes down to 15C in the evening.
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