Paphiopedilum parishii ‘Seven BridesMaids’

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I love it - what beauty, Leslie! And deliciously well grown! I can only concur: keep us posted! :)

(Even if the sight of it also carries a bit of sorrow for this particular grower, as I killed off my own super-prima example for which I just (prematurely?) had received my one and only GM for culture. Shortly afterwards that happening, several of my plants had a horrible infestation of mealy bugs, that I discovered too late...and I, at that time, experimenting with a new way of insect control, killed my gorgeous parishii by paving the way for a hefty and quickspreading rot. This was in the days before I discovered the benefits of croton lechleri in combination with cinnamon. It all was such a traumatic experience, that it took me some while before I was ready to supplement my collection with yet another parishii :confused::()
Jens, do you have a pic of this one?
If it makes you feel any better, Jens, I know someone who killed a Phal with a 1 in 20,000 color mutation before it could be mericloned.
Jens, we ALL have felt despair and sadness on the loss of many special plants. The grief is immeasurable and the guilty anger is targeted at ourselves for being careless, inattentive and stupid to have allowed it to happen, when it was by accident or not, or whether it was within our control to stop their demise. It is a loss we all suffer in silence and alone.

This time is what I call an orchid misery.

I have been the cause of many special plants demises, and have felt much guilt and misery over their losses.

But there’s no better way to placate myself than to go out and buy a better or equal replacement! One must carry on ...
Leslie, your trying to tempt me by showing more photos of your marvellous plant......but I stand firmly......just a bit spit is drooling down on my keyboard. Lol...
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Thanks all.

The more I look at parishii pics online and in awards, the more impressed I am with the colors on mine. The dark pouch and petals stands out. Parent "Jeannie' also contributed to the shingled appearance at the correct 'social distancing' between flowers. So Guru, I am also drooling at my own plant LOL.

I hope the siblings will have similar traits when they bloom (next year?). I have about 4 or 5 of the same parentage.
Ok so here’s my first attempt to do a home studio photo shoot with a newly ordered Amazon product. Still a work in progress. So don’t judge me lol.

All flowers open now. I think I need to steam the backdrop... if only I knew where my steamer is lol.

Beautiful photos of a beautiful plant.

I think I have a similar lightbox from amazon. It takes too much time to set up and take down so it stays in its box. Since most of the plants are small I just drape the black velvet backdrop over a laptop bag and turn our lights up.

I purposefully had 5000K white recessed lights with dimmers installed just for this...The warm yellow lights bug me because it distorts colors of objects....
Thanks Marco.

It is quite a chore to set up properly and multiple steps to adjust lighting, including adding diffusion paper to soften the LEDs for the flowers. Also takes up some space so I set it up in a semi-permanent location where I can leave it for a few weeks.

The reason for getting the light box was because I wanted to try to get professional looking photos to post here lol (since I post a lot of my collection). I see some members post amazing photos (like Eggshells and the 3Ds) so I thought I would try to emulate.

Your setup works well too.
I'm looking for Paph.
parishii var, Album for my Collection
I wonder which of your different set-ups capture the plants most realistically concerning the colouring?

My money would be on the ones with the white backcloth -- or, sorry to say so, probably even the last batch you posted before the elaborate extravaganza! :cool:
Leslie, your parishii is gorgeous! you don't need to bother with equipment, the plant itself does the trick...
It is difficult to get the right light especially for albums; I always have to deal with purple growlights, which give albums always a candylike touch... anoying.
BTW the brown spots on the pouches is that normal wilting or some pest problem?