It was a division rather than a seedling.
I don’t know if others from the mix have flowered and of course, I cant get an answer from Popow.
I know there’s nothing I can do, it’s just frustrating!
I don't think you bought an individual "named clone" or a "division", since you said the name is :
leucochilum "Account Black Pearl" x "Account Red Dragon"
You just bought one plant out of the many sibbling plants resulted from this mating of these two parents.
your reply to Leslie "it was a division" got me confuse, a division implied a piece cut out from a well known or an awarded exact clone.
There is nothing wrong with buying an unbloomed / no clonal name , since the result could look like either parents, a mixture between the two, better than both parents or not as good as either parents.
1) however in your case, it should be a leucochilum (not a bellatulum as of the result bloom in your photo) , further more it should be quite black , even the name of your plant tag implied it was a just a plant from this cross (at one point last year I was eyeing to buy these black ones on Popow website, if I remember correctly, there were 3 black crosses, all with pictures of the black parents)
2) I bought plants from Popow in the past, either as children plants of a cross with parentage cross names similar to yours, or an individual in bloom plant (in this case he actually gave a clone name for that exact plant) examples:
a) leucochilum"Black" x "Giant" (I bought a compot of this cross=a few children plants)
b) leucochilum "Black Mountain" (just one exact in bloom plant, that he gave a clone name)
3) there were only a few times the employees packed the wrong plants (out of many very satisfied & good transactions) , when I pointing out that the incorrect plants were sent , he was very good with his word, always replaced with the correct plants.
4) there were many scenarios that could happen which would result in wrong plants, an employee packed the wrong plant, a visitor to the nursery pull out the tag and put the tag back in the wrong pot , the plants from this cross that Popow grew may have been from a wrong flask (if the breeder or flasker sent him the wrong flask, he would not realize it until a few plants bloom)
5) don't give up , I believe Popow Orchid is a good orchid company, and they will correct situation such as this for their customer .
6) I attach a similar cross I saw on their website (one of the two parents is the same of one using in your cross) that I was thinking of buying last year , do you still have a photo of the advertise of your cross?