Incredible flowers - as with the Lady Isabel you posted. Any growing tips? Temps, light, watering, fertilizing?
For light, I grow all my paphs with my phals, so just bright light(not direct) can suit almost all your paphs
For temps, in my area(East of China), Summer is hot ( hottest days, 36,37 degrees)and winter in cold(lowest -6, -7 degrees), I keep all my paphs in my balcony where the lowest is temp in winter night is around 10 degrees, and in summer , it is about 33, 34 degrees in my balcony.
Watering depends on the weather and the medium you use, for me personally, it is the medium that changes the fate of all my paphs totally!!! Actually, several years ago, my paphs were not doing well, I was told that paphs can't tolerate drought and its root needs moisture so that used a lot a small-sized medium to grow my paphs and my pot used is big and deep, this gives me a lot of root rot and my paphs never flower because they are growing like zombies... It is after i joined one of my local paph lovers group where i learned a lot of grow tips, many of them come from professional paph nurserys.
The thing that changed my paphs fate is : medium + pot
The medium i use now is: 3 part middle size 植金石(1.5 to 2 cm) + 3 part middle size orchiata bark (1.5cm) + 5 part middle size 福兰石(1.5cm to 2 cm)+ + 1 part perlite(0.8 to 1.2 cm) + 1 part charcol (0.8 to 1.2cm) + 1 part limestone(0.8 to 1.2cm), I am writing in the order you can see from the first pic(left to right)
植金石(the yellow one) is some volcanic lava stone that can absorb water and then release it slowly, it can keep moisture but not too wet. I sorry but i really can't find its english name
福兰石 (the white one) is also volcanic stone(not pumice), however it barely absorbs any water, many nurseries in east asia use purely this to grow paphs, and it shows a very good result.
Besides this , i used relative small and shallow pot with many wholes in bottom. A transparent pot is a very good choice is it is become a trend here because it allows you to monitor the root growth.
This medium combination and pot gives me very good root system. One paph grower in my local group tells me that many times the reason why your multi-floral paphs grows so slow is because its root is not as good as you think. He shows me the root of its paph and the root circles around the whole pot and if you lift the plant it can hold all the medium and pot up. With such good root system, many of his multi-floral can flower in 1-2 years(beginning from a basal sprout) which is very stunning to many paph hobbyist. He says many people think multi-floral grows very very slow, part of the reason is that they do grow slow comparing to other orchids, however, another reason is that there is a lot of improvement space in your paph's root and we don't know that!