Paph. Frank Smith Special

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Elk Grove, CA
Anyone else place an order for the Paph. Frank Smith special that Krull-Smith had the ad for on the back of the current issue of the AOS magazine? I placed my order on Weds. :p
I received my plant today. It's 9-10 L.S. and looks nice and healthy. The parents of the cross are amazing, so I'd advise anyone on the fence about ordering one to do so before the winter weather sets in.
Yes, the onset of winter weather is a good way to rationalize ordering lots of plants now. That's what I've been doing, anyway.
I don't have my AOS mag with me. What kind is it? Is it on the K-S website?


Both parents are highly awarded. I don't have my magazine in front of me either. But I think both are FCC's. The special is NOT on their website. That actually caused me some inconvience as I had to e-mail back and forth about how to send them the money via paypal.
I don't call :> I sent them a paypal for the amount and in the fields I specified the AOS Frank Smith Special. For some reason, they don't put their monthly specials on their website.
:rollhappy:Blake is trying to reduce his collection not increase it.
Candace, I'm so happy that you were pleased with the plant you received and I'm sorry it wasn't more convenient for you to order the special directly from our Web site.

Someone asked earlier about the special offered on the back cover of ORCHIDS magazine that is being discussed in this thread. This Paph. Frank Smith cross was created using (Paph. Norito Hasegawa 'Elaine Taylor' AM/AOS x Paph. rothschildianum 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS) and we are offering it during October delivered to any U.S. address for $39.95 postpaid. Until we are able to offer these monthly specials on our Web site at we can be reached via email at [email protected] and telephone at (407) 886-4134.

For those who don't get ORCHIDS magazine, here is a small image of the ad we are talking about:


I wish more folks could be members of the American Orchid Society and receive ORCHIDS magazine. It wasn't so long ago that this was about the only way anyone could tell what all the nurseries were offering from month to month, and despite the advances in technology that gave us the Internet, there are still many worthwhile offers from dozens of vendors in each issue who cannot be found online. Membership is also a great way to get free admission into many botanic gardens across the U.S. and to get discounts on AOS award registration fees.

As for the Krull-Smith Web site, for the past several months it has been more and more difficult to get results from our designer when we request site updates. I used to wonder why so many orchid nurseries go to the trouble to set up sites that never get updated, but now I understand that it isn't always as easy as it looks like it should be!

We are currently involved with a new Web design company to develop a brand new Web site, but this takes a lot more time than I wish it would. As soon as the new site is complete, it will be easier than overcrowding a greenhouse to order the monthly AOS special directly from our site, but until then we are hoping folks will continue to telephone or email.

Frank Smith
I understand completely Frank, and thanks for posting this! Because I maintain a few different websites and my local society website, several orchid vendors in my area have been telling me about the difficulties they're having with site updates. It seems many designers and site maintenance people are not doing their jobs! I'm currently working with Gold Country Orchids to update their site. He knows he can bribe me with orchids, so it's a win, win.

I think I speak for all of us here on the forum, in that we would love for you to post your magazine ad each month. This will allow our members here that aren't AOS members, the opportunity to place an order.
I agree, excellent idea.

I wonder if Paph. Frank Smith typically has two flowers on an inflorescence as the illustration has it. Whoever did the illustration took one flower and flipped it horizontally to make the second flower -- that's why I'm wondering whether 2 flowers is typical, or just for illustrative purposes?
Hi Dot,

Paph. Frank Smith very typically has at least two flowers and often three on each inflorescence. All three awarded cultivars (to date) indicate two flowers in the award descriptions and one cultivar had two flowers plus one bud. Expectations are a little higher with the cross we are discussing here, because it is a remake using Paph. rothschildianum 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS.

Other Paph. rothschildianum crosses we have bloomed so far with 'Crystelle' as one parent have grown faster, bloomed younger, have larger flowers, and are more consistently producing multi-flowered inflorescences than the same crosses made in the past with older cultivars of Paph. rothschildianum. Needless to say, I am very excited about this cross.

Frank Smith
Awesome pic. Thanks Frank! How big are the plants? How far from blooming
Thanks, Frank. I can see why you are excited about this cross -- it's really beautiful.

I hope you'll be posting more here.