Paph. armeniacum

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
This plant garnered me a CCM from the AOS two years ago with five flowers; this year I had six, but two were a bit earlier than the rest and had begun to fade by the time these four bloomed. At 33 growths now, I'm hoping for 7-8 flowers next year if I can keep it happy. They do last a while.

armeniacumfourflowers0320.jpg armeniacumclose0320.jpg armeniacumplant0320.jpg
Nice work. What media do you use?
Well, it was in a fine bark mix originally, but I suspect it's broken down now. Mostly moss in it now I think. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to keep the plant intact through a repotting. I will, however, have a close look at it after blooming this year and may add some fine bark mix to the top if necessary. The level of the mix has sunk down somewhat.
WAUW...what can one say, but: CHAPEU! :)Impressive growing, well deserved award!

This is a species with which I have had no luck so far. Would you care to share the details of your growing regime for the edification of this humble fumbler and the rest here?
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WAUW...what can one say, but: CHAPEU! :)Impressive growing, well deserved award!

This is a species with which I have had no luck so far. Would you care to share the details of your growing regime for the edification of this humble fumbler and the rest here?

You can see the mix above in previous comment. I give it fairly high light while in the GH, up with the vandas and stanhopeas. Moist year-round, almost daily waterings while in spike. They go outside in the late spring as soon as I'm sure they won't get frosted (unless already in spike). 50% shade out there, and stay out til the temps are dipping into the upper 30sF. Hot summers, followed by a cold snap. I fertilize every two weeks in the winter, weekly in the summer. I use a k-lite kind of fertilizer.
You can see the mix above in previous comment. I give it fairly high light while in the GH, up with the vandas and stanhopeas. Moist year-round, almost daily waterings while in spike. They go outside in the late spring as soon as I'm sure they won't get frosted (unless already in spike). 50% shade out there, and stay out til the temps are dipping into the upper 30sF. Hot summers, followed by a cold snap. I fertilize every two weeks in the winter, weekly in the summer. I use a k-lite kind of fertilizer.

Thank you for the growing tips!
Alright Tennis - you inspired me to try something new. One of my armeniacum had shoots coming out the bottom of its plastic pot. I mounted it to a 7 inch wooden plaque. Now if it will only bloom like yours! :D
Great culture and helpful hints for culture. I will try a basket and giving more light. I got 3 big plants of P. niveum on a trip some years ago. They get more light than Cattleyas and hang less than a meter under the shade, blooming more than once a year.
I've been growing my armeniacum in baskets similarly. I found that when the media breaks down I get a flush of growth but if left alone, rot follows soon after. I'm curious how you prevent them from rotting? My guess is your watering flushes out the decomposing fir bark and leaving just the moss, which I presume is local-moss, not spagnum-type.

In any case, well done, great looking specimen!

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