P. sukhakulii (non-aureum)

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Feb 1, 2017
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Copenhagen, Denmark
I got this plant from Popow, sold as 'aureum', which it clearly isn't.
When buying such a plant, not having bloomed before, I guess, you are always somehow participating in the great lottery of genetics - and I asked mr. Popow, whether I could buy another of the batch, that had bloomed out as aureum. He informed me, that every single one of the plants from that consignement have turned out to be the typical form, when flowering.
He very kindly offered to send me a fma aureum, free of charge, when he acquires some later this year. See, that's what I call service!

Actually, I'm not that dissatisfied with the first-time bloomer, that I got:20210103_174003.jpg
NS: 11 cm
Flower on top of plant:20210103_175230.jpg
Plant and flower in toto: 20210103_175433.jpg
There isn't at the moment much daylight up here North, so for the last two photos, I had to use the flash. Colour irl much closer to the first photo.
I guess he got the entire batch wrong from somewhere. It happens, disappointing nonethelss!
As you say, the flower is quite nice, though!
That worked out well. In the end you will get an aureum. Meanwhile, you have received this outstanding normal colour form for free. Lovely wide petals.
New year's surprise ! That's a damn good P. sukhakulii and I would be very pleased with it....if I hadn't ordered the aureum form. Even the underside of the the leave shows no reddish pigmentation in the visible parts of the photo. Obviously this story will come to a good end later this year. Fingers crossed, Jens and..... nevertheless happy new year.
New year's surprise ! That's a damn good P. sukhakulii and I would be very pleased with it....if I hadn't ordered the aureum form. Even the underside of the the leave shows no reddish pigmentation in the visible parts of the photo. Obviously this story will come to a good end later this year. Fingers crossed, Jens and..... nevertheless happy new year.
Thank you, Rudolf! I'm actually quite content with this typical sukh...after I recovered from the colour shock! 😁
The best wishes for a Happy and Floriferous New Year to you, too, Rudolf - and to all other nice STC-members! 🎉
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