Orchids Magazine 2003 - quick question

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Horse whisperer
Supporting Member
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hello all,

Could anyone with a set of Orchids magazines from 2003 tell me what articles there were that year on Phrag. kovachii? That is the one modern volume that I am missing.


Do you mean 'Orchids', the AOS publication, or all the 'Orchids' magazines out there?

I know that Eric A. Christenson published his work on describing the new species of Phragmipedium (P. peruvianum) in the AOS 'Orchids', but my colleague Stig Dalstrom, Bruce Holst, and Ricardo Fernadez published the supplement to Selby Garden's 'Selbyana', their scientific journal...

Then I think the next mention of Phrag. kovachii was in the month after Eric A. Christenson published Phrag. peruvianum, where the AOS makes a correction in a small paragraph stating that Phrag. peruvianum is reduced to synonomy of Phrag. kovachii, which was described by Dalstrom, Holst, and Fernandez... then Carl A. Withner did some sort of Phrag. kovachii DNA Analysis in an orchid magazine (forgot the name of it)...

I have some of the magazines that mention Phrag. peruvianum and Phrag. kovachii, but looked through the entire 2003 year of orchid magazines myself for Phrag. kovachii articles... these are all I remember, hopefully someone else will post the absolute information... my articles and books are elsewhere at this time...

Thanks, I meant Orchids magazine as in the publication of AOS. I've got Christenson's description from July 2002 Orchids and am about to get the Selbyana supplement by Atwood, Dalstrom, & Fernandez. I am missing the entire 2003 volume of Orchids, so I am curious as to what was published in Orchids that year.

Loayza et al. published a report in the Feb. 2005 Orchids on the molecular systematics of Phragmipedium kovachii.


For that supplement, you gotta contact Barry Walsh, she is the Managing Editor for Selbyana, she is also in charge of Selbyana's distribution... if you get into conversation with her, you may just get the supplement for free! Her main interests are not specifically in plants, but enviroments... =)

Stephen, I just checked the Cumulative Index for that year, and there is only one reference to kovachii. It's on p. 808, November, and is under the heading "Phragmipedium Resource." It refers readers to the Oct. - Dec. issue of the Orchid Digest which is the one devoted to Phragmipediums and has a photo of kovachii on the cover.

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