Night Blooming Cereus

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Epiphyllum oxypetalum

I just noticed this one in bud for the first time. A friend gave me a cutting about a year ago. I will have to watch this one closely!

That will be quite a treat! I remember being a very small child and camping out in a family friend's driveway to watch this one open.
I have Epiphyllum chrysocardium....similar, but with enormous "herring-bone" stalks.....the spread could easily be 8'.....gets enormous 1 ' wide blooms that open around midnight in the late fall, early morning, the whole ground floor of the house is scented....wonderful, almost lemony. I got mine as cuttings that were given to me by Frank Bowman when he worked at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden over 20 years ago. Take care, Eric
i'm not sure what type i've got, but it bloomed a month or two least, i think they bloomed (cuttings, so they seemed to bloom nearly at the same time). never been here at night when they bloomed, though....
very nice! my mother has a large plant (quite ugly when out of bloom) that throws a couple flowers each summer. one night only but what a heady fragrance and impressive flower...
10PM photo - It appears to be fully opened! 8.5 inches across (22.5cm)! Whole greenhouse smells like perfume!

10:30 pm photo Ruler is about 6 inches from flower, but you get the idea! It was almost impossible to hold ruler, focus and shoot in the dark!

11pm flower is about the same as 10:30PM. It is now 3 hours! I hope the flower fades before me!