News on Parkside Orchids

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
This weekend Donna and I had to go to a Memorial Service for my daughters father-in-law and a friend of our in Philadelphia. Enough said on that. We spent the night and then headed over to Parkside today. John and Tom weren't there as they were at one of their mothers 91st birthday in Virginia. I believe it was John's, Mom. The information that I have is that Parkside Orchids has been sold as of the end of May. Apparently it was sold to two women, one of whom has some type of business putting flower arrangements in private homes and business, and replacing them as needed. The other women doesn't sound like she is really an orchid person. The property has been split in what seems to be three pieces. John and Tom will retain the piece in the back with their home. The front piece will still be an orchid nursery. The side piece where the Summer Orchid Festival seems to still be for sale.

We figured we would stop and get some supplies. Upon arriving, there were only 3 of the greenhouses opened and they certainly aren't what I would call full. I took a quick look threw them all but spent the vast majority of my time in greenhouse #1 that now house phals, paphs. and a few other plants. Not even half of that house housed the paphs. The good thing was that there were a few nice plants to be had. I really was there to just fill the trunk and back seat with supplies but ended up with a few paphs. They had a few Shun-Fa Goldens for sale. Maybe 4 or so. I also found a group of maybe 12 Paph Shun-Fa Golden x roths. that had 12 to 14 inch leaf spans. Upon close examination a couple of those had already bloomed. I also found a small group of Paph Beatrice Lau, which is (Shun-Fa Golden x wenshanense). These where maybe 6 or 7 inch leaf span single growth plants. The good part is that all were labeled correctly and one knew exactly what one was buying.

I bought charcoal, medium bark and 36 of their sturdy trays that they keep there 3 1/2 inch pots in. That plus like I said a few paphs. I only got one in bud and it is leucochilum 'Black' x 'Orange'. I'm sure Tom and John would be glad to sell you some of their remaining paphs. The prices where fair but I must warn you, no deep bargains were to be had, not even for me :(
I agree it is a sad day and I join you in mourning the closing! John, Tom and staff, fostered my early orchid obsession with great advice, great plants but most of all with patience, generosity and an overall outstanding professional customer service I have found in few nursuries since. I hope they enjoy their freedom from the greenhouse business and prosper in their next chapter. They are a rare example of how to run a business with integrity, class and passion.
That's too bad. I visited there 5 years ago and met John and saw the Paph house.

My brother went back a year later to buy me a plant for Christmas and John still remembered who I was from just one visit. I thought that was pretty cool.
That's too bad! I went there for the first time last summer and it was very impressive. Really high quality plants and super-clean greenhouses. I bought way more plants than I intended, but they're all doing great and I'm glad I got them all.
Wow! Not totally surprised. Hope they got a good deal out of the sale. I will call and maybe stop by next week. thanks for the heads up.
I've heard whispering little rumors about Mt. Prospect, but
have no idea if the whispering is true or just another bit of
orchid gossip. Anyone heard anything about it?
What a shame they didn't sell me that flask they promised me and then ducked me for a year and then tried to sell me one of the seedlings for the same price as I was supposed to get the flask for.

Won't miss them.
We had heard that Parkside was selling. I will admit ignorance as to why. Does anyone know? Does it have anything to do with the changes in the orchid business?

I will also admit that it is always sad to hear when a prominent business, at least on this coast, decides to bow out. But then again, I am sentimental about the orchid world...
"After all, we can't work our whole life."
You can when you have kids.................................
It's sad to see another small commercial grower go out of business, especially one with a breeding program. There's no question the orchid business is changing; it's becoming a re-seller's market where more and more vendors are re-selling the same plants, and often from the same source. Those of us who have a relatively low sales volume and a breeding program focused on the latest trends are finding it hard to compete with the big box stores and eBay.
It's sad to see another small commercial grower go out of business, especially one with a breeding program. There's no question the orchid business is changing; it's becoming a re-seller's market where more and more vendors are re-selling the same plants, and often from the same source. Those of us who have a relatively low sales volume and a breeding program focused on the latest trends are finding it hard to compete with the big box stores and eBay.

Tell me about it!:(