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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2015
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I decided this year to get into phrags and paphs a bit more. I had 2 phrags: Nicholle Tower, and Olof Gruss. I found Chuck Acker on line. He was selling flasks, but also had a few divisions for sale. I bought Phrag. Richteri 'Rands' and Conchiferum 'Waunakee.' Both have spikes with buds. Phrag. 'kensington' X 'Mem.Fred Jernigan' is Caudatum X Grande. It is just a seedling now. This is the nice big yellow grande with the very long petals.


Richteri, conchiforum (front) Caudatum

I had questions of the Rictheri and Conchiferum "clonal" names. ('Rands' did not seem right to me).

This was in an e-mail to me from Acker:
"The richteri is a species that came from the collection of Ray Rands, so I appropriately gave it the clonal name 'Rands' to designate it from the other richteri that I have in my collection.

Conchiferum is an old hybrid dating back to 1881 made with caricinum x longifolium. I gave it the clonal name of 'Waunakee' to designate it from the other Conchiferum in my collection."

So those names were just names given for him to keep track of the plants. That's interesting. Also interesting for me (I like historcal things) The 1881 date on the Conchiferum is rather neat.
Good for you. You are becoming a Phrag-o-phile! :)

I really like the slippers in general. This Caudatum X Grande is a dream orchid for me.

I also am hoping to get one of the long petal paphs, like Chiu Hua Dancer.
Welcome to the Phrag Crazy Club! I started out with two
and now have fifty in year or so. The addiction just gets
to you. I can't wait to see the blooms open on your new