New member from Canada

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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smartie2000 said:
:p yea this one isn't really as restrictive and tolerates quite a lot. Another one has too much advertising for vendors...the advertising can get annoying The forum founder is like a non-stop cheerleader for them!

Well, they're paying him so I guess he figures he has to. :rolleyes: One thing I like best here is that we don't charge vendors to advertise here. Anyone who wishes can get a free forum for sales.
it makes me mad when i do see a plant i want to buy from the sponser and they don't ship to Canada unless I buy like $2000USD of plants!

And on the opposite side, another forum doesn't allow you to speak of any vendor names...I believe heather was once in this forum but what happened?

the 3 forums im in are all quite different even though i run into some of the same people
smartie2000 said:
And on the opposite side, another forum doesn't allow you to speak of any vendor names...I believe heather was once in this forum but what happened?

Oh, sure, Orchidtalk - yeah, I was good friends with Louis and Bruce for a while there. What happened? I asked a question once last year about why Ray Barkalow's site was allowed to be recommended on their forum when NO other vendors or web sites were (don't get me wrong, I like Firstray's but I think it is unfair to say that they disallow any mention of vendors or orchid web sites and then to allow one special circumstance). Since I asked the question, I have not been able to post there.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh - I'm not trying to say that this forum is the be all end all, but having been around the orchid forums for a while, and having gotten banned at more than one for really innane reasons, I'm pretty opinionated about which forums I think are worth visiting and which ones are not. I'm also pretty adamant about certain things that won't ever go on here, and I am thankful that myself, and the other admins and moderators here are all on the same page when it comes to issues like censorship and advertising. :)
Gee, I didn't mean for people to start forum-bashing! So far I have not had any bad experiences, but then, I've just recently joined the four I mentioned. Orchidtalk was the first I joined as it happens. :viking:
Yea OrchidTalk was the first one for me's a friendly place to be in

I noticed Heather had so many post too and strange that Heather got banned. Sorry I had to ask. This is stuff happened way too long ago for me
As I said, I'm not trying to be harsh, but I am upfront about it. Honesty is the best policy. I'm banned at three forums - Orchidtalk - for the previously mentioned "mistake" in being up front, SOF, for disagreeing with the owner and posting at other forums (which at the time was a critical offense) and at Gardenweb, for mentioning SOF (before I was banned there of course).

I think those are pretty ridiculous reasons to ban someone, and if others didn't think so too, this forum wouldn't be as successful as it is. So thanks! :)
I tried to register on another orchid forum, but they would not accept "free" e-mail addresses. When I contacted the admin there about that, they asked for my favorite paph and my favorite other orchid. I thought it was some sort of a test and since then accidentally deleted their e-mail to me. Weird.

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