New Koopowitz book

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It’s all about the orchids…
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Nov 9, 2007
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As many of you no doubt know, Harold Koopowitz is publishing a new book entitled "Tropical Slipper Orchids". Amazon will have it 1/15/08, but if you go to the Timber Press site and sign up for advance notification, they say they will offer it to everyone signed up on December 15, at 30% off retail and free shipping! So if you're as eager to get this book as I am, sign up! Here's the link:

(To tide you over until 12/15, Season six of 24 comes out tomorrow, 12/4!!!)
Does anyone have a copy in their hands?
Flia - I don't think it ships til next month.
I pre-ordered it at but the estimated ship date is not until the 15th of March.
I preordered this book back in Sept. but I 'm not sure when copies will start to ship (Jan 15 was originally the release date). It's -36 degrees Celsius outside, I don't have any travel plans and shipping plants isn't a good idea. I'm really looking forward to this book.

Just got an email from Amazon. Book is not shipping 01/15/08. Estimated arrival date: 01/23/2008 - 01/30/2008
Just got an email from Amazon. Book is not shipping 01/15/08. Estimated arrival date: 01/23/2008 - 01/30/2008

I just signed on to give the same message from Amazon. I hope mine arrives before Feb. 18. He will be here for a meeting in Grand Rapids and I sure would like to have him sign mine for me.
well I am very surprised ! I do not know if it's because I'm in Europe but I ordered mine from Amazon in the Us and the message I got today is :

"Unfortunately, we are unable to ship the
item(s) as soon as we expected and need to provide you with a new
estimate of when the item(s) may be delivered:

Harold Koopowitz (Author) "Tropical Slipper Orchids:
<i>Paphiopedilum</i> & <i>Phragmipedium</i> Species & Hybrids"
Estimated arrival date: 02/05/2008 - 03/25/2008"
Also I ordered one for min, but I do not make idea of when it will go to arrive, but one hour arrives:drool:
I ordered mine from Amazon...who knows how long ago...I think a year. No emails yet from them about shipping....Eric
I order mine from Books-a-Million for $37 and change!

thanks for the google info Eric!
The book is available NOW at Timber Press, but Amazon still doesn't have it. The people at Timber Press are mystified and assure me that Amazon SHOULD have it available now! I pre-ordered at Amazon months ago, and am going to give them a few more days (since I'm an Amazon Prime member, I can get it overnight for just $3.99!), but if there is still a problem, I guess I'll order directly from And yes, the google link is awesome and makes me want the book more than ever!!!
Good News

This morning I had a message from Amazon saying the book will be delayed.

Tonight I was sent a message saying my book was shipped today. Oh happy day. It seems I have waited for so long for that book. Now I will have it to be signed when he comes here next month.
Lucky you, Grandma M! I preordered mine on 11/3, and apparently there were so many pre-orders ahead of me that mine is backordered, grrrr....

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