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Multi Junkie
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia, SC
Front row: Paph tigrinum
Middle: Paph tigrinum x adductum
Back: Paph tigrinum (left) and Prince Edward of York (right)

These are my first flasks, any tips to keep the little guys happy?

Most of the plants have brown leaves, Sam said it was from them being in flask a little longer than they should have been. The ones on the left have new growth coming up, so hopefully they can pull through.
Beer and mustard- the essentials. And if they decide to stink, your'e covered by the Arm&Hammer! :)

Reminds me of our refrig senior year of college. Just missing the "don't touch my food or else" guy's hamburger and bagels. :rollhappy:
NYEric said:
Reminds me of our refrig senior year of college. Just missing the "don't touch my food or else" guy's hamburger and bagels. :rollhappy:

There actually was a burger in the top section behind the door. :rollhappy: