Neofinetia question(s)

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
Some strange things have been going on with a few of my plants. Particularly the benisuzume i posted in the non slipper orchid photos and the gekkeikan I recieved from OL.

They both had new starts that clearly looked like new growth. It was especially noticeable on the gekkeikan with the variegation. Well it's been about a week since I got the plant from OL and they don't look like growths anymore. Is it possible that new growths can change into spikes when its still really tiny?

My grow area has been experiencing temp difference between 55-70 degrees. Could this have anything to do with it?
spikes start part way up on the side of the plant where the leaves join the the hidden stem. (not the greatest terminology) do you have a couple of pictures?
heres one. i'll take pictures of the gekkeikan when i get home




These two look like new growths :confused:


I did talk to Jason today and he said that theres really no way of differentiating when they're tiny.
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to me that looks like a growth but I usually don't look that closely. I did today and one of my Neof. has what looks like a spike forming. I should have taken a picture
i hope its a spike though ive never seen a pink/red neo before. maybe i should just leave them alone and wait....i can't help it its the day job.
well, although i don't grow neos, allow me to give my 2 cents worth.. i think that the red ones (top pic) are probably spikes that have large bracts. i have seen this on some orchids... apart from that, it also looks kind of cylindrical. the keikis of vandaceous orchids usually are flattened at first, like the ones in the bottom pic...=)
Robin - Thanks :) I actually got all these neos not to long ago and they all had teeny starts when I recieved them. Several of them looked like they would've been growths.

Here's another one on a setsuzan


There's a leaf on the lower right of the spike. There's another spike/growth on the plant where its more evident. I just cant get a good picture of it.

The gekkeikan growths i think are gonna turn into spikes


I may be deluding myself here but i really do think its from culture change. :confused:

Growths would've been nice, particularly on the ones that only have 2 growths.

But I'll take spikes on 4 neos anyday! :clap:
Sweeet. Yeah, that top one is totally a spike and the bottom two in the middle look like they're going to be too now! I wouldn't sweat the growth issue--they'll probably start on some of those after this. Really nice job though. I've got to imagine they did like the temperature drop...doesn't seem to be quite as important as good light, but it's supposedly ideal. (I would most definitely consider myself to be a novice, but what I do know I've picked up from one of the experts.)
Marco, I have a Neo question too, hope you don't mind if I use your thread...When a growth matures and flowers, does it just flower one time, or being a vandaceous plant, will it continue flowering from the same growth. To me it looks like from the pictures that I have seen that a plant grows to a certain size and then stops growing. And certain specimen plants that I have seen only have the flowers towards the outside of the plant, not from older growths....Anyone?
Hey Marco,

I'm sure because of your temperatures (down to 55) that those are all spikes. Good job, and enjoy!

OK back to work for me!

Rose - light definately affects variegation and tiger striping, I can see the difference on my setsuzan in about 2 weeks of moving closer and farther from the lamp, but I don't know if that necessarily affects the purple inking.
So far I haven't noticed light effecting inking, though I guess it could. I have noticed that it effects variegation, esp. the tiger variety.

Marco, I -love- the neo in your avatar. What is it? Is it Tenkei Fukurin?