Neo. 'setsuzan' - Warning : Image Heavy

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
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Glen Rock - New Jersey
05.27.07 @ 01:47pm

05.31.07 @ 10:57pm

06.04.07 @ 08:54pm

06.06.07 @ 07:22pm

06.09.07 @ 07:35am

06.13.07 @ 09:28pm

06.15.07 @ 07:16pm

06.15.07 @ 07:17pm

06.15.07 @ 07:15pm
I've been admiring all of your Neos, Marco. SH goes against everything I've ever been taught about them but it obviously works and it'd be oh-so-convenient. I may be trying this with a couple of my more common ones.
robin you got me all paranoid so i went and checked the standard white i bought from oakhill over a year ago. this neo has been in sh for about about a year. The roots were really long to start out with and there was some root but not to much honestly. I don't know if it would last in the long term though. several of the longer root tips already started rotting. I'm probably going to end up moving them back into sphag after theyre done blooming

I didn’t mean to scare you! I’m just pleasantly surprised, especially after seeing the one that’s been grown that way for the past year. Doesn’t look remotely unhappy to me.
Apparently SH neo success abounds! I’ve always had this (perhaps overly-simplistic) view that it was best for species that rarely if ever dried out in nature and hybrids with these water hogs dominating their background. I should perhaps broaden my horizons and save myself some work. But I don’t have the cohones to experiment with these I don’t think—the only time I’ve ever had any problems with mine is when I didn’t let the moss dry between waterings. Once you rot your favorite little bean leaf you get overly-cautious I guess.
Once you rot your favorite little bean leaf you get overly-cautious I guess.

My favorite little bean leaf is actually on it's way to me right now. I can't wait! :)

I'm actually NOT planning on growing them in S/H. I like the Japanese aesthetic much more and I have not had the best luck with S/H in general and am getting ready to switch back to a more traditional media. It's a shame, cause I really preferred its ease of use.