My favorite Bc. hybrid

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Mid Michigan
This came with the greenhouse, I have no idea who made it or if it is registered. It is C. Little Angel x Brassavola (Rhyncholaelia) digbyana. It has all the fragrance of digbyana, and a huge flower. Unfortunately, it also seems to have the unifloral habit of digbyana, this is its third bloom and only one each time. A nice long-lasting flower, too.

I just looked up the awards and there are three (two AMs and an HCC). Both had two flowers on a single inflorescence. The one picture I could find didn't really impress me though. If it is still in good condition this weekend I might take it in, but if it came to my table (it can't, but if it did...), I'd be hesitant to award it with only one flower.
my favorite is a digbyiana x c. dowiana aurea (or c. Aurea) that has yet to bloom. I have a collection preference for blue cattleyas and truly blue vandas-will send some pix. Good journey to all until