Multifloral Paphs, chills, buds

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Apr 21, 2020
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Chicago, IL
With autumn fast approaching, I wanted to know— do multifloral paphs need a drop in temperature to set their buds? I’ve heard of complex paphs and Parvis needing it but couldn’t find much on multiflorals aside from a brief mention of its effect on getting rothschildianum to bloom. My conditions indoors are consistently 60s-80s relative humidity and 70-80 F during the summer and 40s-70s relative humidity and high 60s - mid 70s F in the winter. I was thinking about setting some of my plants that need it out now to experience high 50s low 60s nights before it gets too cold to set their buds and bring them back inside.
Mine haven't needed a marked shift in day and night temperature - although the ones placed directly on the window sill might experience it due to the cold coming from the windows, especially at night!
One of the species, that in my experience most markedly requires a cooler periode, when forming the flower(s) for the next flowering is P. insigne (though this seems not be necessary for 4N-plants and to a lesser extent neither for 2N- plant).
I'm only growing in my living room, so there is no explicit drop of temperature. It never goes under 20°C and my multies bloom regularly. A slight natural drop they get of course as in summer it's really hot in here; the all time maximum measured is 37°C so not this year.
Mine haven't needed a marked shift in day and night temperature - although the ones placed directly on the window sill might experience it due to the cold coming from the windows, especially at night!
One of the species, that in my experience most markedly requires a cooler periode, when forming the flower(s) for the next flowering is P. insigne (though this seems not be necessary for 4N-plants and to a lesser extent neither for 2N- plant).
You'll probably find parvisepalums (armeniacum, micranthum...) need a pronounced cooling period to bloom well. I leave mine out until frost.
Ernie. I am having similar thoughts, especially with chilly September nights coming. I landed on leaving my roths and parishii out to get some nights into the 50Fs but my other multi-florals are coming in soon. I leave my parvis, charlesworthii, fairrieanum, and henryanum out longer.
Ernie. I am having similar thoughts, especially with chilly September nights coming. I landed on leaving my roths and parishii out to get some nights into the 50Fs but my other multi-florals are coming in soon. I leave my parvis, charlesworthii, fairrieanum, and henryanum out longer.

i have a henryanum smack in the middle of the greenhouse showing a sheath... :)
and a malipoense that started a spike about 3 weeks ago...

although i am considering getting my parvi's into a tray so that i can easily move them outside under cover for a while...

goofy plants and weather...