Miltoniopsis Primrose

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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L I Jane

This is just for the miltoniopsis lover ,Heather.:rollhappy:
This is a picture of one flower of Bert Fields Crimson Glow-had 9 spks.Like it Heather mmmmmm?:D
Well, if Heather doesn't like I sure do. They are great! Mine could look like that if I just had more humidity! Great growing.
I bet Heather is really a closet Miltonia lover, she just doesnt want to admit it. :)
For 'Phrag'
Here is another one that I'm fond of called Martin Orenstein 'Randi'.I used to have a lot more but over the years-they went 'kaput'. I have a couple more --other than the ones shown that I saved from the brink of extinction but they aren't in bloom now.:D
Also, for non growers of miltoniopsis the pattern of spots cascading down the lip suchas Bert Fields & others,is called the waterfall pattern.Here is another miltoniopsis called Robert Strauss that I've had for years which used to be in a 6" Pot--now back up to a 4" after it went down hill & has been blooming well again for the past few years.
bwester said:
I bet Heather is really a closet Miltonia lover, she just doesnt want to admit it. :)

SHE IS!!! She sent this email to me today:

"no I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove miltonias! ;)"
:rollhappy: :rollhappy:

Thanks to you all-especially the non-Miltoniopsis lovers.You have given me a lot of laughs.I have a varied collection so I find an interest in all of them.I can't live with just one genre alone-- too boring for me!:D