Linus Cyps

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Aug 18, 2011
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Washington DC, USA
Cyp in beds; blooming Sabine Alba; should I try columbianum (C. parviflorum x C. montanum) again?

So the first cyp to bloom in this bed is Sabine Alba. I planted this last fall. Moving clockwise from the Sabine Alba, Cyp Gisella (planted 2012), columbianum (planted 2012, dead), Ursel (planted in 2012 with 1 flower, didn't bloom in 2013), Sabine [regular](planted 2013), and double trillium (hopefully will finally flower this year). Will post more pics as other plants bloom.

So I think my columbianum is dead; I'm surprised since it seemed to do well last year. So my question is, should I try again, or is DC too warm for columbianum?

(non orchids on the bottom from left to right, heuchera, Anemonella thalictroides 'Cameo', brunnera Jack frost)


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Nice one congrats
Columbianum and all crosses with montanum nees a really dry winterest
Looks good. I agree with Dido, crosses with montanum are problematic for humid climates, especially when combined with heat stress. To get a similar look, try a candidum hybrid like x andrewsii. What are you mulching with?

I'll have to try columbianum again, but in a pot where I can keep it dry in the winter.

I just threw a thin layer of leaf mulch before I took the pic. Usually over the winter is a thin layer of various dried leaves (wild cherry and oak); I take out the whole leaves and put in the broken down leaf mulch.
Cyp bed in prime

So my Ursel fully opened, and the Gisella are beginning to open up. Here's a picture from the other day.
Question- I got a Goodyera pubescens. Do other people use it as a companion plant for cyps, or does G. pubescens need more shade (and less water)? You can see where I'm thinking of putting it in the second picture.


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This was one of my earliest blooming Cyps. Doesn't seem to be doing great as the plant is quite short. In a different bed with some Kentucky hybrids. Also, a snail got to the pouch. May need to put it in a pot instead...


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Not Cyps, but other orchids

Pleonie formosana tongariro (or at least that's what it was sold as; purchased this winter), and Calanthe discolor (purchased 2012).


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Not orchids

I had some beautiful tree peony blooms last week (from Cricket Hill), but then the torrential rains mid-week ruined the petals. This one bloomed later, and hopefully will last until the next rain storm Thursday. Planted 2012 (purchased for $15 at Strange's Nursery in Virginia, after setting up at the Virginia Orchid Society Show).


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How can I forget CHAOS? Jeff always brings in great sandy hybrids. Will post more pics later. Next to bloom are pubescens and Hank Small (Gabriella still opening up).

So any thoughts on planting the Goodyera as a cyp companion plant?
Should be OK, but the Goodyera might appreciate more acidic compost than the Cyps. Nice Pleione and Calanthe as well. How do you overwinter those?

Calanthe I just bury in leaves. This pleione (tongariro) I just got this spring (mail order). I have another formosana that I also buried with the Calanthe; I'm surprised that (1) it did not freeze with this year's colder than normal winter, and (2) it did not rot. It's starting to leaf, but no bud yet.

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