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Large parcel of compots- roth, sanderianum, adductum, adductum anitum etc.

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May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Good evening all,

Last week I went to NYC to work on my dream venture, and with current enthusiasm we are going to move forward much faster than expected. This not only means more travel going into the fall, but that my original plans to use part of my second bedroom/office as a growing area need to be cancelled. I am going to hang on to my population of tigrinums, platyphyllums and bellatulums (which are busting at the seam in compot after only 3 months which also means they are about to need a LOT more room than originally expected by the summer) plus a few other things, but I will be selling the equivalent of around 30 compots (equivalent meaning 50 pots in total but many contain only 4-6 seedlings vs the usual 12-15).

I would LOVE to sell all or most of them in a single transaction- and will make discounts to show my appreciation. For the most part, my plan is to ask equal or a bit less than the original flask price for the total compots that came from that flask- with a very steep discount on the adductums and adductum anitum since- as the Coryopedilum Chronicles I have posted show- they had a bit of a rough start even though they are now stable.

If anyone is potentially interested in the parcel- please PM me and I will get photos and details together in the next couple of days. I do not want to compete with the ST auctions- so if it turns out I need to wait and do individual sales, then I will wait until the annual fundraising auctions for ST are complete.

For now, this parcel will be the contents of what used to be 22 flasks and be mostly species including the following highlights,

1. 5 different roth sib crosses from the latest breeding- mostly Japan clones.
2. 3 different adductum sib/self crosses
3. 1 adductum 'anitum' self cross (progeny from 3 flasks)
4. 2 sanderianum sib crosses
5. 4 compots of St. Swithin- recent remake, plus a couple of recent Coryo hybrids.

Initial guess on pricing under $2,500 for sure, but almost certainly at least $2,000. Again- at the most I am asking the price they were in flask (including any quantity discounts I got when purchasing in flask), with some steep discounts on the adductum and adductum v. anitum as- while they are now stable- they are never easy to acclimate and are still a good 12 months away from what I would call prime nursery stock (at which time they would be $75+ each if not more.)

Open to facilitating the sharing process if a handful of people wish to go in as a group as well, including collecting share of payment and doing individual shipping. Just like we did for Denver.

Thank you for any interest. For my part, I am happy that I am going to be able to keep my favorite species, and in the grand scheme of things- Norlin (my dream venture) means so much that I do this sale with little regret. More importantly- I want to do it now before I find myself in a place and time where the plants are neglected or too crowded.



PS- While I am a hobby grower, I did buy many of these flasks intending to sell seedlings at shows next year. And of course the parcel size is hardly a hobby size. To that end, 10% of the total agreed sale price will be donated to SOF with my thanks for having use of this forum to sell so many plants at once.
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fabulous website - very up market.

Thank you! I built that out myself when someone tried to charge me $5,000 to do it. We have had very good reaction- now just expanding number of looks.

It is exciting, and I do need to tone down the orchid time- but very happy to keep my bellatulum and a few other goodies, including tiny's flasks which are now ready for single pots!

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