kovachii x Saint Ouen

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
The flower is open! The petal span is 4" X 1.5". It is being registered as Phrag Haley Decker, after Glen's daughter.
It is a little hard to get the color correct with my camera but some 35mm shots have been taken as well and will post those later.
I have views from different angles for you.

I will follow with a few close-ups and some plant shots
Wow! I love the color (even assuming that the color isn't accurate) and I'm very impressed with how much of the kovachii came through. Beautiful!

- Matt
First Phragmipedium kovachii hybrid

:) This is the first published picture of a Phragmipedium kovachii
hybrid: Phragmipedium kovachii x Phragmipedium Saint Ouen (Haley
by Alfredo Manrique, Glen Decker y Fritz Schomburg

Height 3.8 cm
Width: 11 cm.

Saint Ouen = Hanne Popow x besseae
Hanne Popov = Phrag. schlimii x Phrag. besseae 'Newberry'


Best regards.

Pablo Bermúdez
Peruvian Orchid Club
Very Nice. I wonder if its done growing? 11cm is good, but I was hoping for more...

Kyle said:
Very Nice. I wonder if its done growing? 11cm is good, but I was hoping for more...

It may expand a bit more...time will tell. It could be nice to cross this back to kovachii and see if size can enlarged. I think the shape is nice.
Hey Ron, would you mind if I post these photos at the Denver Orchid Society forum? Or would you like to do it? Glen gave a talk about the kovachii saga last year, and I think a lot of the DOS members would love to see these photos.

- Matt
Kyle said:
Very Nice. I wonder if its done growing? 11cm is good, but I was hoping for more...


From talking with Fritz today, this flower should keep expanding right up until it drops. So it will get bigger over the next few days. Also consider this is a small first bloom seedling. There is every reason to expect that next year's bloom will be much larger. This 11 cm bodes well for much larger flowers in the future.

From my own experience, a first bloom besseae that has 6.5 cm flowers frequentlly will exceed 9 cm when bloomed on a 3 growth plant. I would expect next year's blooms on the Phrag Haley Decker to be 10 to 20% larger than this first bloom.
gore42 said:
Hey Ron, would you mind if I post these photos at the Denver Orchid Society forum? Or would you like to do it? Glen gave a talk about the kovachii saga last year, and I think a lot of the DOS members would love to see these photos.

- Matt
Matt is it possible to link to this forum so Slipper Talk gets some more exposure as well?
Leo Schordje said:
From talking with Fritz today, this flower should keep expanding right up until it drops. So it will get bigger over the next few days. Also consider this is a small first bloom seedling. There is every reason to expect that next year's bloom will be much larger. This 11 cm bodes well for much larger flowers in the future.

From my own experience, a first bloom besseae that has 6.5 cm flowers frequentlly will exceed 9 cm when bloomed on a 3 growth plant. I would expect next year's blooms on the Phrag Haley Decker to be 10 to 20% larger than this first bloom.

I will continue to measure and see what it will max out at and report back on it.

There are also a kovachii x besseae and kovachii x Walter Schomberg as well as kovachii x Cape Sunset in spike to look forward to in the near future.
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Ron, Certainly! I think that all three of the people that visit the DOS forum visit this one too, though :) But I'll certainly add a link!

- Matt
Incredible flower! Overall, it is much as I would envision the cross. The colour is just about dead-on between the two parents....with the purple of kovachii being as dominant as the red of besseae I can see a flood of lovely fuchsia Phrags in the near future. I'm looking foward to seeing the results of kovachii with longifolium, caudatum and the others in that group. Will the purple dominate in those crosses like the red does when besseae is used? I would expect so....the results could be stunning. Time will tell.