Japanese orchid grab bag

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
Last year I bought some spiranthes sinensis tubers from kusamono gardens. They did okay until they inadvertently got cooked by the radiator last fall, after returning home from travels and turned on the heat (ouch its always something). I saw this winter they were doing preorders only, so ordered some. Then later ordered some more.... they just arrived!


Four spiranthes sinensis, two habenaria radiata ginga, one plover orchid amitostigma keiskei and some kanuma. The quality is excellent, I highly recommend to anyone, but you need to preorder for shipment at this time of year.

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Nice, Charles! I received mine today, too.

Just in case some people are interested in seeing the initial conditions, I'm posting a couple photos.

I'm most excited about these Cypripedium debile. They look pretty good, but I'm not sure if I can keep them.

Pogonia japonica, bigger clumps than last year. Last year, they didn't do well for me, so another try.

Calanthe reflexa

Bletilla striata and Bletilla formosana x B. striata (bottom left). I didn't mean to get this hybrid, but they screwed up. From Kusamono Gardens and the English page of Shikoku Garden aren't clear about this hybrid, which they call 'Peaches & Cream'. This is not a pure species, and it is a hybrid of B. formosana and B. striata. This information is in Japanese web page of Shikoku Garden. So if you get these, I hope you correctly label them.

All potted up.
As a related note, Seed Engei's latest price list has Japanese Calanthe. Most of them are hybrids. The species name column in her spreadsheet is misleading, so I'm contacting her. She has Satsuma-type (mix of C. discolor, C. striata, C. aristulifera), Hizen-type (mix of C. discolor and C. striata), Kouzu-type (mix of C. discolor & C. izuinsularis) hybrids. Also one C. discolor and C. x bicolor (Takane-Type). $25-80.
Wow! Everybody got a bunch of goodies;...but me. :( Actually, I got some Bletillas and more Cyps at the end of last year. I potted them up outside and protected the pots with a nice tarp. The tarp was last seen being a shelter for a homeless couple!. Oh well. :eek: Good luck.

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