It's late what in the world are you doing up??

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OK there are TONS of posts on this thread so forgive me for not checking, but has anyone ever commented on your starscream avatar? That's awesome! I was a HUGE transformers fan as a child (still am). I actually plann on naming many new hybrids of mine after transformer characters (only if they are cool enough)! I also have a very rare transformers item, I wonder if you have heard of this. I have the Japanese Transformers the Movie HILLCRANE laserdisc. It is the rarest version of the movie in the world, and I think it values at $500 to $1000.. mine is a 9 out of 10 for original quality, so it should be on the high end. I got lucky and found it in Japan at a shop that didn't know what it was and got it for about $60!!!

If you are looking for good anime, I am a huge rumiko takahashi fan, with my favorite series being Maison Ikkoku. Watch the whole series, you will be very entertained!

Thanks :) Glad you're sifting through the threads, I'm sure given time you you'll read a good majority of the threads and find some more goodies. :poke: Another cartoon/anime nut ehh? :rollhappy: Transformers were the best and starscream was great. We had a Transformers thread started by Marcus a little while back about their new movie coming out lol. I never knew aboutt he Hillcrane laser disc. Definately a sweet haul on it. $60 is a steal! I still need to go get another DVD version of the movie and the series I'm thinking about just ordering from china. Someone stole/borrowed my transformers movie dvd several years ago. I think its safe to say that I won't be getting it back.

Thanks for the heads up on Maison Ikkoku. I'm definately gonna go check it out :)

It's 9.25.06, 12:08 EST and gonewild, spot, PHRAG, Heather, kentuckiense are online.

I say 4 out of the 5 will read this and 3 of the 4 may reply.


Ahhh there you now will you reply, you insomniac.

ok back to reading....bye
gonewild said:
Hey! you arn't supposed to mention a lurkers name! :wink:
Now I can't keep lurking in the background.

I never said who was gonna reply and I took everyones name at that point and time :). I was just basing all that on probability. Unfortunately, now my dear friend you are liable to post! :poke:
It's about time!

Do you know how crazy I have been going waiting for you to post? Do you? And to think, all I had to do was call you out on the forum.

I seriously thought this day would never come. :)
PHRAG said:
It's about time!

Do you know how crazy I have been going waiting for you to post? Do you? And to think, all I had to do was call you out on the forum.

I seriously thought this day would never come. :)

Yep, I know how crazy you must have been going. I've been lurking long enough to figure that one out. :clap:
gonewild said:
Yep, I know how crazy you must have been going. I've been lurking long enough to figure that one out. :clap:
Now you must post! And tell us about what you grow and indulge us with pictures. Thanks :poke: :p

But yea its great to see activity from you. lol

And now I must sleep because I am tired.

I am not THAT crazy. Am I? Don't answer that.

When Heather wakes up in the morning, she is going to flip. I hope you have something profound to say. No pressure.

Gonewild - I think I said "you must post now" twice or something like that. Sorry don't mean to be redundant my brain is mush right now. :eek: Ok I must sleep now so I can wake up blessed with lady bug diarrhea.

Goodnight all
Marco said:
Now you must post! And tell us about what you grow and indulge us with pictures. Thanks :poke: :p

But yea its great to see activity from you. lol

And now I must sleep because I am tired.


OK, since you insist, I'll start posting. I have lots of pictures what do you want to see.
Better remind me tomorrow :eek:
First, an introduction would be cool, since someone just asked me if you were Mr. or Mrs. Gonewild. :)

Then, I would personally like to see photos of Paph rothschildianum or philippinense, Phrag besseae or any Japanese orchids. Your own orchids, and/or in-situ if you have them.

Beyond that, I will let you open up the vault at your own leisure. I have been to your website, so I have about a million more questions to ask you.

But it's your first day, so I gotta pace myself.
PHRAG said:
First, an introduction would be cool, since someone just asked me if you were Mr. or Mrs. Gonewild. :)

Then, I would personally like to see photos of Paph rothschildianum or philippinense, Phrag besseae or any Japanese orchids. Your own orchids, and/or in-situ if you have them.

Beyond that, I will let you open up the vault at your own leisure. I have been to your website, so I have about a million more questions to ask you.

But it's your first day, so I gotta pace myself.

OK, I'll introduce myself tomorrow. I hate introducing myself :sob:
Don't worry about pacing yourself, I bet I can keep up.
fyi.... I'm Mr., but Mrs. nearby.
I've been lurking lately. I'm sorry. :D

Sooo... It's late! I'm up doing research and preparing myself because... dun dun duuunnn... I have a job interview tomorrow! Weeee!! Wish me luck guys! Job=money=orchids=more questions and more posts from me!

Aaannnd... all of you have a beautiful day yourselves! :)

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