"Inconvenient Truth" ?

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Jon, you can drink there at 5 in the morning? In California there is no buying of liquor btwn 2 and 6. Lucky you.
Bars close at 2:30, and stores stop selling at 1:00...but with fourth of July preparations underway after a week of boring mold classes, there is an excess of alcohol floating about.

I can't believe anyone else is up this late, birds of a feather I guess.

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Jon in SW Ohio said:
I can't believe anyone is else is up this late, birds of a feather I guess.

I stay up even later when there is a video game to play. But I've played all the ones I like (RPGs I love best, especially when I can be a mage!). Eek... do I sound super dorky? Oh well.
Up late playing video games and "super dorky"...if I could find that type around here you guys would never hear from me again.

Oh well, sun's coming up so I better go to bed before I wake up regretting getting online.

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Wogga said:
i hate al gore.

Well, I can see why you hate him. His demeanor is quite stiff and he talks very intelligently... And he's one of those terrible "liberals" who is interested in the health of the planet and the welfare of it's people -- and not just his wealthy friends like some of his opponents.

I'm with Jon on this one.
inconvenient truth

As a proud to be tree hugging liberal with freinds in the now melting state of Alaska I agree with Jon and SlipperFan. We only have this life and this planet, let's be nice and care about both.
Happy growing
Lindafrog -
Jon in SW Ohio said:
I am a huge fan of the Daily Show, as it may not be news per se, but it is sadly always honest.

Me too, I really enjoy the Colbert Report as well. Three cheers for Tivo.

re: global warming, I think anyone who doesn't see this is occurring is delusional, frankly. We just cannot keep denying this sort of thing!

~H <-----checking out the disaster plans for the Port of Providence should we get the next Cat 3-5 hurricane.
Make sure you have enough supplies! God knows the government won't be there for days! I'm so paranoid... I have three to four five gallon bottles of water, a ton of canned food (and some cat food) stored in my apt and storage room... you know just in case. There's enough for the two friends who live a few minutes walk away... mostly because they don't think about it.

We're still expecting the BIG earthquake, but if last winter shows anything, I think we'll all be flooded instead.

In the movie, Gore has this demo where he shows how much of SF will be underwater if the sea levels were to go up 20 ft.

Cats can swim, right? Or maybe I should get something that floats for the kitty.