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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hello from Spain. I’m a slipper lover from years ago. I’m not very friendly to social medias, but I think this is absolutely my forum. I hope to learn a lot from you, and I hope to put my little knowegde too.
Sorry if my english it’s not the best
Thank you!!
Hi and a warm welcome from Germany. No problem si tu Ingles no es la mejor lo mismo es con mi Español. Pero siempre se puede mejorarlo.
Muchas gracias GuRu!! Siempre es agradable que la gente empatice con el idioma. Siento decirte que mi aleman es pésimo. Gracias por la calida acogida 😉
Y aqui la sorpresa!!! Al fin alguien de habla hispana!!! Jajaja
Bienvenido desde Cuba!!!
Your English is excellent. Appalachian is just barely akin to English. Where I live is
mountain country.
Love mountains!! Love nature in general but the mountains are a big expression of wild nature
Welcome from Orba in Spain. Where are you living and growing?
Thank you!! Nice to meet people from Spain👏👏. I living in Seseña, Toledo.
There is not much fondness for orchids in Spain, and less to slipper orchids!! So I’m very happy to meet you