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Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself a bit. I'm new to both this forum and to Orchids. A friend got me started with Orchids back in June. Those first ones are growing, which I am enjoying watching, and that has bouyed my confidence about growing Orchids. So, I bought a few in bud or bloom today. I really don't have any idea what I'm doing, but am reading and learning as much as I can and am loving every minute of it. I look forward to learning lots more here and to expanding my collection. :clap:

Everyone here seems to enjoy pictures, so here are the ones I got today.

Paphiopedilum 'Surf Rider' x 'Black Cherry' (This one is my absolute favorite!)


Phalenopsis 'Fortune Buddha' x 'Brother Pumpkin


Miltassia Dark Star 'Darth Vader' - I actually got two of this one...



I look forward to meeting and learning from all of you! :)
yes, please, a warm welcome to someone who is showing all the early signs of an orchid addict ;)

Glad you found your way here :)
Hi Marco! Thank you for the welcome. I'm quite proud of them! :)

Hi Ki! You're the root of most of my addictions, so you recognize the warning signs early don't you? ;) Thanks for getting me started with yet another fabulous one!
You're off to a good start! WELCOME to the forum, we have plenty of enablers here!

You are going to love Miltassia Dark Star 'Darth Vader'. I have one and it just loves to bloom. It has several new growths and looks like it is going to bloom again for the second time this year. I counted 6 new spikes today. Normally it blooms only once a year, the blooms are such a deep color, and last a long time. The biggest problem I have with this plant is it keeps outgrowing it's pot.

Mine gets high light and takes a lot of water. It will need repotting again in the spring, but if I go to a larger pot, it will be very difficult for me to carry it to my table to enjoy the blooms. I would rather not divide it because it makes such a gorgeous display like it is, but by spring I may not have a choice. I usually grow in S/H but this guy would be too heavy for that.

Good luck with your new addiction.
:)Welcome to the forum. I am new here too but they have made me feel welcome. I am sure you will enjoy it.:)

Thank you all so much for such a nice, warm welcome! I can tell I'm going to really like it here! :D

Grandma M, thank you for that information on the Miltassia! I love the blooms, and bought two because the one in the smaller pot is a more mature plant than the other, which will soon give me valuable repotting experience as it's climbing out of that pot. The flowers are fading on it, but the younger one has several buds, so I'll have fresh flowers to enjoy! The lady I bought them from told me it's a very easy one and grows like a weed. Sounds like she was right! :)

Heather and Eric, those are micromini Sinningias in those wine glasses. I'm a Gesneriad nut! Except for African Violets - they hate me. I'm thinking some of my not-so-favorite Gesneriads are going to have to go to make room for Orchids, though... ;) Here's a picture of the two blooming Sinningias in the wine glasses.


I'm in TN. No greenhouse, so all the Orchids will be living in the house. I see an urgent need for humidifiers before winter sets in.
WELCOME TO THE fORUM; It is so much interesting so many hints you can get. And you can answer every Questios ans seems it stupid, someone will have an answer for it. Now you have to take care, that the feaver for orchids isn´t becoming to great,.- I have in my appartement now windowsill empty, Every thing is full of orchids. BUT IS A GOOD JOICE FOR Orchds. Have much fun and ask ask only so you can learn
Hello from Germany
Welcome to the forum!!!! Have your eyes and ears open wide!!! A lot to learn here... :)

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