Grandma's Bulbos

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Grandma M


Bulbo medussea. A small plant, only 3 bulbs, but a beautiful flower. I can't wait to see what it will do next time it blooms.


Bulbo Melting Point (Doris Dukes X longissimum)


A-dorible Anna Roth (annandalei X roth)

These guys were just starting to bloom when I went away for Thanksgiving. They went with me, along with my mounted bulbos, packed in a box. I wanted to be sure they were watered while I was gone. They all came back in perfect condition. My son even found a warm place to put them in the van for the 6 hour trip into snow country.
:drool: Love the medusae!!! and the other 2 aren't bad either, looks like they have a bit more opening to do!:clap: