Funny orchids names

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
I'm bored at work. All the partners left to go play golf and I have nothing to do. So I'm sitting here thinking about orchid names and recall that there's a phal named "super stupid"

If I ever got to name a paph I would probably name it "yomama".

Brain fart.

Thanks guys :poke:
there's a C. or Lc. Jack Off. one of these days maybe it'll be my project to REMAKE it with quality parents.
exactly! when I get some awarded I'll be able to name them after the "jack offs" in society or the paph world.

for "pathetic" orchid names I nominate the entire line of wossner garbage names that demean all the good paph primary hybrids. name your own advanced breeding lines whatever you want, but giving primary hybrids self-promoting (and usually quite stupid) names should be outlawed.
I personally like the Wossner names. Mostly because without seeing the flower or looking up the hybrid I know what most of the crosses are and who made them. No guessing what's in Wossner Bellsand or Wossner Concotiger. I prefer that to something like Paph. A de Lairesse or Paph. Kimballianum...hard to figure those out without some searching.

As far as funny names, I always found some of these funny:

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I think these names halfway ruin the hybrid. Wossner Koloniv is a beautiful flower, akin to Woluwense. but you have to call it something stupid in my less than humble opinion. Give me the old school latinized names for primary hybrids anyday (which are now banned for all hybrids). Paph primaries are usually so distinctive that they're almost like legit species...
Jmoney said:
for "pathetic" orchid names I nominate the entire line of wossner garbage names that demean all the good paph primary hybrids.

I could not agree more with you !! His naming "convention" really SUCKS and shows great lack of imagination -
Give me the old school latinized names for primary hybrids anyday (which are now banned for all hybrids). Paph primaries are usually so distinctive that they're almost like legit species...

I agree. It sucks the big one. Latin names sound so much better anyway. Anyone for a revolution?;)

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