Forum Rules Update

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I have added two new guidelines to the forum rules. They are...

8. When you post to the forum, be kind. Don't act conceited, brag, lie or in any way attempt to discredit someone else unless you have verifiable proof to back up your claim. This is just a general guideline which will make your time here more enjoyable. This is a free speech zone, which means any member (even an administrator) might challenge something you say. Truth matters here.

9. Everyone has a bad day, even forum administrators. If an argument happens, and you don't like the "drama" of the situation, just ignore it. It will eventually go away. If you come here to start drama, you will probably find it, but we may ask that you take a heated debate to a private conversation off the forum.

From now on, if a thread gets really heated, to the point that the drama is ruining the enjoyment of other forum members, you will be formally asked to take the drama to email, private message or some other form of communication. This is not censorship, it is simply a way that our more "argumentative" members (myself included) can be reminded that they have neighbors here on the forum who don't want to see the dirty laundry of the orchid world displayed all the time.

If you have a problem, question or something else to say, contact me at [email protected]

Sorry, I just realized that the rules were pretty messy, so I re-ordered the whole thing and simplified it a little.

Running a forum is not a cut and dry process. We give quite a bit of slack to every member of the forum. It is appreciated when we get the same consideration.
PHRAG said:
I have added two new guidelines to the forum rules. They are...

8. When you post to the forum, be kind. Don't act conceited, brag, lie or in any way attempt to discredit someone else unless you have verifiable proof to back up your claim. This is just a general guideline which will make your time here more enjoyable. This is a free speech zone, which means any member (even an administrator) might challenge something you say. Truth matters here.

9. Everyone has a bad day, even forum administrators. If an argument happens, and you don't like the "drama" of the situation, just ignore it. It will eventually go away. If you come here to start drama, you will probably find it, but we may ask that you take a heated debate to a private conversation off the forum.

From now on, if a thread gets really heated, to the point that the drama is ruining the enjoyment of other forum members, you will be formally asked to take the drama to email, private message or some other form of communication. This is not censorship, it is simply a way that our more "argumentative" members (myself included) can be reminded that they have neighbors here on the forum who don't want to see the dirty laundry of the orchid world displayed all the time.

If you have a problem, question or something else to say, contact me at [email protected]


I would like directions. Where can I find the forum rules.
Just my two-cents

Although it's rather sad that rules like these have to be made official, I second the decision to include them in the forum guidelines, considering the deterioration of some recent posts. I think that we all need to remember that this hobby, business, obsession, or whatever orchids may be, has and will continue to be built on amicable relations within this small community. Let us not forget that the reason that we are all here is because we share a passion. I think that we all also need to keep in mind how lucky we are to have a forum where we can talk freely, the recent abuses of that privledge (which I hope was just testosterone driven lunacy, full moon, whatever) made me a little sick. Although I do not always agree with what is said here, I always respect that we have the right to say it —and first and foremost I respect the entitlement of someone else to that opinion. Sorry for the rant, I just want to get back to the thing we all love.
I don't see a problem with the forum rules, past or present. The administrators have an obligation to be fair-minded, and not let their own passions and prejudices cloud their judgment. A tough task.
SlipperFan said:
I don't see a problem with the forum rules, past or present. The administrators have an obligation to be fair-minded, and not let their own passions and prejudices cloud their judgment. A tough task.

But, we also have a responsibility to not let this forum become a hub for damaging rumors to spread from.
SlipperFan said:
I don't see a problem with the forum rules, past or present. The administrators have an obligation to be fair-minded, and not let their own passions and prejudices cloud their judgment. A tough task.

And as I indicated in my response to Ohio-Guy's post -

We've never run a forum before! We're all learning together, as admins and moderators and members. Please keep that in mind! As things arise, it may mean changes occur.

The heart of the matter is that this forum was built on free speech and we are trying VERY hard to keep it that way. This is, I think, only the second time in a year we saw fit to modify the rules and I back up the decision that was made.

I again, apologize for not being around as much lately, but I trust my fellow admins and they're doing a fine job, but they are also entitled to that free speech we are built on just as every other one of you members is entitled to it. We're members too! We get heated, upset, and annoyed, and we're entitled to voice that just as you are. We built this forum in part JUST FOR THAT REASON and because it wasn't tolerated elsewhere. Please remember that.
I wasn't sure I should post again tonight. But then I thought some might think I was hiding out. I have no reason to hide. I also don't want to start another 12 page "Days of our Orchid Growing Lives" thread. Just now, I read what my fellow admins wrote above, and I think they have already said pretty much everything that needs to be said. And they said it with far more grace than I would have said it.

I do want to add one thought. I do not, and will not apologize for anything I have said since this forum started. For better or worse, we all have to share the same space here on our portion of the internet. If you truly want to get along with me, meet me with grace and a good attitude and I will be your strongest supporter. It's really not hard.
Heather said:
I again, apologize for not being around as much lately, but I trust my fellow admins and they're doing a fine job, but they are also entitled to that free speech we are built on just as every other one of you members is entitled to it. We're members too! We get heated, upset, and annoyed, and we're entitled to voice that just as you are. We built this forum in part JUST FOR THAT REASON and because it wasn't tolerated elsewhere. Please remember that.
Of course -- absolutely. But administrators, in the heat of the moment for them, should not wield their authority and lock threads. Reminds me of a time when I was in high school and the Superintendent punished my whole class for the misbehavior of one (not me).

I'd like to write more, but it's probably not appropriate here.
SlipperFan said:
Of course -- absolutely. But administrators, in the heat of the moment for them, should not wield their authority and lock threads. Reminds me of a time when I was in high school and the Superintendent punished my whole class for the misbehavior of one (not me).

I'd like to write more, but it's probably not appropriate here.

Feel free to PM me back, Dot, and we can discuss further. I was teased a lot myself. Damned red hair. People always try to pull on my pigtails (Stop it, NYEric). :)
SlipperFan said:
For sure. But who judges what is rumor and what is fact?

Dot, you know its fact when there are documents for all to see, not just the person telling you about it
SlipperFan said:
For sure. But who judges what is rumor and what is fact?

The real people involved in the argument, and only if it can be backed up with factual proof. Certainly not someone speaking on someone else's supposed behalf. Never again.
In theory, you (bwester and Phrag) are correct. But that is the ideal world. Sometimes in the real world you have to take someone's word for it. Believe it or not, I am a skeptic. I need to see proof. But if I told you I did, you wouldn't believe me unless you also saw it. But it is not mine to share. And so it goes...
SlipperFan said:
In theory, you (bwester and Phrag) are correct. But that is the ideal world. Sometimes in the real world you have to take someone's word for it. Believe it or not, I am a skeptic. I need to see proof. But if I told you I did, you wouldn't believe me unless you also saw it. But it is not mine to share. And so it goes...

when good, honest folks reputations are at risk, then I tend to be not as naive
bwester said:
when good, honest folks reputations are at risk, then I tend to be not as naive
See, you've said that before. And I honestly don't know who you are talking about. I have seen nothing, anywhere, in this Saga, about anyone except the Peruflora folks. Is that who you mean???
good grief. I'm done with this for tonight. I feel like I'm talking to a wall
PHRAG said:
The real people involved in the argument, and only if it can be backed up with factual proof. Certainly not someone speaking on someone else's supposed behalf. Never again.
I am glad to hear that for the initial post was hearsay.