flu shot...

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some call me brian
Jun 7, 2006
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Cape Cod
so i got my first ever flu shot yesterday and woke this morning a couple hours earlier than i had planned feeling like crap. i've been told this is my body reacting to create the antibodies against the flu but i still don't feel great.
have other people had this experience? how long did it last for you? i'm hoping it'll last today as i have tickets for zappa plays zappa tomorrow night...
How soon will you be over it? Depends on what the vaccine companies THINK will be the prevalent strains this year. Is it a 24 hr? 2day? 3 day? Time will tell. Did you know there is aluminum & mercury in the vaccine? Your body could also be reacting to that as well! 5 consectutive vaccinations could increase your chances for alzehiemers by 10 X, due to the metals in the vaccine !!!! Are flu shots really a good idea??? Do some research BEFORE getting stabbed on the NEGATIVE side effects, today's conventional medicine hyps all the HOPEFUL positives.(Which is only one IF the vaccine companies guessed the strain that you were exposed to, otherwise you end up with the flu!) Why do people get the flu? Because there immune system is down! Do we ever hear 'boost your immune system' over running out & getting a shot or pill for whatever ails you?
Flu shots are a conspiracy. Some would say that I fall into one of those in the 'at risk' categories. I'd gladly take the risk of getting the flu over whatever poison in in those innoculations.
I'd gladly take the risk of getting the flu over whatever poison in in those innoculations.
As an X Files fan, the whole government tagging system comes to mind :>

I did join the national DNA registry last month, and paid for the honor:wink:. A little boy in my area needs a bone marrow transplant. I bet this too is a government ploy, the child an actor and now they have my DNA on file. Aargh! They got me!!:evil: Now they'll create a super virus to wipe me and my spawn off the face of the earth. But, they can't reach me if I'm wearing my tinfoil hat, so it's o.k.

What was the question??
I have one every year ..asthma and being older makes me want to avoid the flu.. Other than a slightly sore arm, no other side effects. I have never had the "flu" ,but people that have say it's horrible ! You are sick for weeks...high fever, chills, cough and a very achy body... I hope your feeling better !
PS I always take an ibuprofen an hour before taking the shot.
feeling all better. took a big nap, went home sick from work, watched the storm formerly known as hurricane noel pass...
thanks, folks
You shouldn't get that from a flu shot now. 25 years ago...no, more like 28 years ago, I got a flu shot that led to a fever and misery...I refused a flu shot for years. Finally, in the last decade or so, I started getting them again....my allergist convinced me that the "bugs" were corrected in the vaccine. Haven't had a problem since, beyond an achy shoulder...then again, I never got the flu anyway...only once in my life...the year after my first flu shot. Take care, Eric
You shouldn't get that from a flu shot now.

AND WHY NOT? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE VACCINE IS???? - flu strains plus aluminum & mercury!

....my allergist convinced me that the "bugs" were corrected in the vaccine. Take care, Eric

I don't know what your allergist considers 'bugs' but I guarantee if those words were used to me I'd rip them down one side & then the other! FLU shots are one big HOAX - they are nothing but PROFIT, PROFIT & more PROFIT for the vaccine maker & the Drs.!!!
FOLKS - PLEASE do some research BEFORE getting stabbed.
Where does one do 'research' if you're undecided. If you do a web search, there are plenty of hits but one gets tired of searching thru all the info that 'hypes' why you should get the shot.
Go to www.mercola.com, you can pull up all kinds of articles, reports of studies over the years concerning the flu vaccine & vaccines in general. Enter - components of flu vaccine - on the search. Here's just a sampling -
thimersol, a mercury based vaccine preservative, which is no longer used in SOME vaccines, can cause or contribute to MS, Central Nervous System Disorders, Autism & Alzheimer's. Aluminum hydroxide, stimulates immune response, it is linked with Parkinson's, ALS & Alzheimer's. Do you know anyone with the above disorders? Why take the chance? The viral components of the vaccine are not generally the issue, it's all the other crap in the vaccine which is MORE harmful than the flu itself! The 'bugs' have been worked out to some extent by going to a killed virus rather than a live or modified live. The vaccine companies that decided to discontinue thimersol, what they replaced it with the jury is still out - there hasn't been enough time to determine if it's any less harmful.
I don't know about you but I choose not to be a guinea pig!
I really detest the CDC, and one of my biggest qualms is the lack of research being done on the link between Thimerosal, autism in children and Alzheimer's in adults. That being said, for those of us with compromised immune systems (I have selective IgA deficiency, if anyone was wondering), the flu vaccine means no more yearly long stints on the couch, or trips to the hospital because of pneumonia caused by the flu.

However, even I have to be weary of the government program for the flu in the works-- which means mass immunization of a vaccine with a "pharmacologically active" flu strain in it (which would be bad for me). I've been keeping tabs on the program it since a Washington Post article a year back, which you can find here:

The whole situation is pretty interesting, there is even research being done on the 1918 flu pandemic. A few years back scientists were able to extract samples of the 1918 strain by exhuming the body of a woman buried in the Alaskan permafrost.

The bottom line is more research should be done. I am absolutely certain that their is some connection between childhood vaccines and the exponential rise in autism and quite possibly Alzheimer's, however the fact remains that there are no legitimate studies that concretely make that connection, and until there are all of this is just conjecture. And in the end for me and many others out there, the flu shot is the best defense available.

Just my two cents.
I am absolutely certain that their is some connection between childhood vaccines and the exponential rise in autism and quite possibly Alzheimer's

I agree. I immunized my kids against the life threatening baddies, but refused to immunize them for chicken pox. My doctor even agreed with me that it would be better for them to contract the illness. But, he offered it routinely because mother's didn't want to miss work dealing with the inconvenience. Both my kids are now immune after contracting it, while those who received the vaccine will periodically have to have boosters.

I remember when no one knew what autism was. Now, most of us know at least one or more children with the disease. Scary stuff.
I remember when no one knew what autism was. Now, most of us know at least one or more children with the disease. Scary stuff.

But is that because of better identification and diagnosis or because there is more children afflicted?
Actually, there's some new research on autism, that hasn't been published yet. Found out from my son who's in the MD/PhD program at Albert Einstein...one of the professors there has discovered a strong correlation between sonograms and autism. In fact, was able to induce autism in mice by subjecting them to sonograms. And the rise in routine and frequent sonograms in pregnancy fits the timeline for the rise in autism...FWIW, my older brother is autistic, as is my nephew's daughter. Of course, autism didn't "exist" in my brothers day...they called it "juvenile schizophrenia"....fortunately, he's very high functioning....Take care, Eric

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