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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Before discovering this site, I was an avid user of Garden web's orchid forum. I made doantions because I believe in supporting worthy sites. When I discovered this site, I was elated. I posted the link on a thread simply stating that this was a good site for growers focused on Paph and Phrags.

My Garden web account was suspended and I go this email-which I think is way off. I thought garden web had the interest of the gardening/orchid grower community are primary and not some silly turf war. Am I crazy?

GardenWeb mail response mc2002162116510ec rosa


Your membership was suspended because you are referring others to another forum. I will be happy to reinstate your posting privileges if you can assure me that this will not happen again.


Tamara Amey
GardenWeb Community Manager
patrix said:
Before discovering this site, I was an avid user of Garden web's orchid forum. I made doantions because I believe in supporting worthy sites. When I discovered this site, I was elated. I posted the link on a thread simply stating that this was a good site for growers focused on Paph and Phrags.

My Garden web account was suspended and I go this email-which I think is way off. I thought garden web had the interest of the gardening/orchid grower community are primary and not some silly turf war. Am I crazy?

GardenWeb mail response mc2002162116510ec rosa


Your membership was suspended because you are referring others to another forum. I will be happy to reinstate your posting privileges if you can assure me that this will not happen again.


Tamara Amey
GardenWeb Community Manager


I'm sorry you had to experience that. GW is known for having a very strict policy to ban any advertisement of another forum. At least they are telling you now. In the past, if you were banned, they just re-directed you to the disney.com site (known as "being Disney'd" nice that Tamara included the "mad" icon huh?). You could have posted a link to a food, or dart frog forum and you would have received the same response. They simply are intolerant.

This is one of the main reasons that Slippertalk tries to be more open. So many forums are not so....It is also the reason we do not solicit donations. Donations are great if you feel like it, but no one should feel obligated. The ST forum was created for open discussion. That will always be first and foremost here!
happens way too often over there, me thinks. and what with all their ads, I really dislike navigating the site. One of my computers will not run Firefox, so I'm stuck with those annoying video ads. Sometimes they pop up before the post preview screen so posting literally takes time. ugh.

btw, GW has been a part of iVillage for at least a few years now - it's a pretty huge operation. I have all kinds of other issues with the way they run things, but I admit I still look over there.
Someday those forums with all those ads will become so bloated no one will want to go there anymore. Slippertalk will win.
bench72 said:
what about that all those Jessica Alba ads? :poke:

if any orchid forum starts putting up Jessica Alba ads I will be on that forum 24/7. I will join Jessicas fan club and ask her to model in calendars holding up alba orchids. :D and be a commited forumite to that forum.
Marco said:
if any orchid forum starts putting up Jessica Alba ads I will be on that forum 24/7. I will join Jessicas fan club and ask her to model in calendars holding up alba orchids. :D and be a commited forumite to that forum.

I hope the mods are reading this :D
Marco said:
if any orchid forum starts putting up Jessica Alba ads I will be on that forum 24/7. I will join Jessicas fan club and ask her to model in calendars holding up alba orchids. :D and be a commited forumite to that forum.

That would be the best forum ever. :drool:
Follow up from Garden Taliban

I recieved this email and very poor analogy


Your account was simply suspended -- it wasn't revoked. No one said that you couldn't post again. It is simply a measure taken when someone starts posting other sites.

While you may feel that you are 'helping' others by informing them of other sites, it is disruptive to others who have formed a community here. An analogy that may help you to understand is if you were to attend a Weight Watchers meeting and began espousing the benefits of Jenny Craig. You would certainly be asked to leave.

Take care,

GardenWeb Staff

I responded
Sorry but if Jenny Craig offered something different that would be helpful
to members with specific problems that WW does not address, I would mention it
not to be derisive but helpful. Besides these 2 organizations have a vested
financial interest in competitive exclusivity. If you do not feel confident
that your members can make up their own decisions-such as those who are clearly
not interested on paphs and phrags not to visit the site- do you really feel
you have the right to censure access to information, I posted the link as an
intended helpful service as there is very little information on your site
ORCHID FORUM that specifically addresses the needs of paph./ phrag growers.
Your decision to suspend my account without even the courtesy of an email
expressing your preferences that members not post links would have been sufficient.
Other orchid web sites allow links to vendors and even discussion of well
run (or poorly managed) orchid web sites, I would suggest that Garden web
reconsider its "either/or" position and evolve into a "both/and" philosophy; if
indeed you concerns are about promoting the web gardening community,
Incidentally, I would hardly consider the post "disruptive" , did anyone besides the
editors get bent out of shape, immediately need to start an antidepressant or
burst into flames-get real your site is great but it's really not influential
enough to be "disruptive" to a well balanced mind. Best of luck and please
accept this feedback. It is your loss of a donating member and my loss to
access information to an once informative web site.
Thanks for all the support, I was unaware of problems other growers had with Garden Taliban but am not surprized now. For the matter of elegant sufficiency, I will put this distasteful matter to rest. I really do not believe that their site deserves any sore sustained attention from me. I am proud to be considered an anarchist (or at least disruptive). Thanks again.

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