Did anyone else get the e-mail regarding

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
paph armeniacums from China? I didn't think they could ship direct to us without going threw our government.

I also noticed a few flasks of paphs and vandas and such from Thailand, I think? Check it out at. Just type in, Orchid flask Paphiopedilum
Yeah, I got the one about the armeniacums, too. I've chatted with that vendor before, and they can't provide CITES, so they'll be illegal. However, they claim that their unmarked packages make it through with no problems. After reading the "End of the Line" thread, I'm almost tempted.... but not quite enough :)

- Matt
he offers cites paperwork and thats the way i went! aparently you guys think differently of me:confused: his prices were alot cheaper last year like 5usd per blooming armeniacum and micranthum
gore42 said:
Yeah, I got the one about the armeniacums, too. I've chatted with that vendor before, and they can't provide CITES, so they'll be illegal. However, they claim that their unmarked packages make it through with no problems. After reading the "End of the Line" thread, I'm almost tempted.... but not quite enough :)

- Matt
matt he offered it last year. yija is a member here i think i think he should chime in. i would hate your comment to hurt his buisness
nyorchids said:
his prices were alot cheaper last year like 5usd per blooming armeniacum and micranthum
Offered CITES on $5 armeniacum and micranthum? How much did you have to pay for said paperwork? It's painfully obvious that those are wild collected.
kentuckiense said:
Offered CITES on $5 armeniacum and micranthum? How much did you have to pay for said paperwork? It's painfully obvious that those are wild collected.
dont have the paperwork as it was last year and all plants are gone. i didnt just buy armeniacum and micranthum there were other species that were more expensive

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