Hi, I have grown cyps for awhile now and have manage to grow them from seed pretty well and I thought I could try to restore some to the wild. There is a state park I have gone to every since I was born, some times twice because parents are divorced. I thought of ways to give back to the park which gave me so many memories and where I saw my first lady slipper (the biggest cyp. reginae I have seen with many steams but has since been dug up). I am not made of money and this past year I didn't see as many as I did in the past and thought this would be a good way to give back. I have talked to a few people at the park and said this might be a possibility but I just don't know if you can return cyps back to the wild. If any body has experience they could share, pointers, and advice it would be helpful!
-Thanks, Jeran
-Thanks, Jeran