couple more roth primaries added

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
It is getting more difficult to add to my roth primary collection due to some crosses haven't been made in years. I did recently find Paph Andronicus (roth X victoria-mariae) and David Ott (roth x supardii) both NBS. I will have to post the list of my roth primaries.
What are you still missing, Ron?

And, I guess I wonder just a little if it frustrates you that there are perhaps, good reasons why some of them are not readily available. Such as, they never bloomed? Have you talked to anyone about re-making difficult to find crosses with some of the newer roths? Just curious. :)
Some of my missing ones are due to either poor blooming or flowers that weren't very attractive. Others due to name changes over the years. Others due to non legal Paphs.

I suspect that breeders don't want to remake ones that will not be multifloral, such as roth X Paph venustum = Paph Bruxellense. There are a few out there such as roth X concolor that I can't afford at the moment. (Krull Smith has been having these on e-bay)

Here are a few of the ones I am looking for:

Paph Garnet Crown (roth x wardii)
Paph Susan Salzman (roth x violascens)
Paph Gemstone's Randschild (roth x randsii)
Paph Marcel Lecoufle (roth x urbanianum)
Paph Jack Fowlie (roth x hennisianum)
Paph Jeffrey Bevis (roth x acomodontum)
Paph Apple-Roths (roth x appletonianum)
Roth x vietnamense
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Tadd, I found Paph Unique earlier this year in a private collection and purchased a division. It has not bloomed for me yet but it is blooming size, so hopefully soon!!!
I'm surprised Gemstone's Randchild isn't very common, it's one of my favorites. I've got two awarded clones from a dear friend of mine, but a future divison of both is already spoken for. I can put you on the list and let you know when one's ready though.

Ford Cx History
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Jon in SW Ohio said:
I'm surprised Gemstone's Randchild isn't very common, it's one of my favorites. I've got two awarded clones from a dear friend of mine, but a future divison of both is already spoken for. I can put you on the list and let you know when one's ready though.


Thanks Jon, I would appreciate it!