
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Supporting Member
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
I took a photo yesterday of my carniverous plants. These two do well for me but lately I haven't had a lot of gnats for them to catch. I hope they don't starve!
The Drosera (sundew) has really outgrown it's pot tremendously. I'm avoiding doing anything about it...

Hmmm...don't know what kind of Ping. it is. Got it from Eric. (haha, he got my Sharry Baby :rollhappy: ) It's a live Ping...which is more than I can say for any of the others I've tried to grow. really want it? We might be able to work something out. I sorta owe you...though it doesn't seem such a fair trade...
Heather said: really want it? We might be able to work something out. I sorta owe you...though it doesn't seem such a fair trade...

Naw, i couldn't take your Ping! I was just kidding, it's very beautiful though.
I think there are two wee ping pups starting to grow as off shoots from the larger one...perhaps one day I can divide it, although it has been my experience that touching a ping = killing the ping.

I like saying "ping" just a little too much....

SlipperFan said:
Shall I send you some???

Um, no thanks! I did move them to the kitchen in hopes that little bugs flying in the screen at night might make for good snacking.
i'm fairly sure that if carnivorous plants get a lot of food, they tend to not exhibit their carnivory. also, plants can die if their too 'well fed'

i've had similar experiences to Heather's when i've tried to divide pings...
Heather said:
I think there are two wee ping pups starting to grow as off shoots from the larger one...

Very cool. I can see a baby ping on the right side of your photo.
I have ping and sundew envy. Maybe I'll try again next year. :)
Hey Heather how 'bout sharing how you grow these nifty companions, since you seem to have caught the interest of some people including me. It looks as if you've found some nice little pots or cups to keep them in. You keep water in there all the time? Grow them alongside your orchids, or do you have a small enclosure to keep up the humidity? Thanks!
Yes, please do feel free to share some links to good suppliers for carnivorous plants. I am interested now too. Thanks Heather! :)

Though, they aren't orchids, so I guess I wouldn't be breaking my yearlong moratorium on buying orchids.
Hey Heather great CP's. Thanks you also reminded me about my venus fly trap search. I sent out an e-mail to a vendor, when I posted that question about venus flytraps on the other forum, that never got back to me so I totally forgot about it.
I got my Sundew online, about a year ago now I think. Maybe from California Carnivores? Something like that..not sure. I got a ping too but it came unpotted and so it died. I won't buy pings again unless they are potted.

I grow both of these in 1.5" clear deep pots. Each are sitting in a 3x3" apilco porcelain ramekin which I keep filled with rain or distilled water. I move them around the house to where I need them- if I see gnats flying around, I'll bring one over to the general area. They tend to sit on my shelves, or on windowsills. As mentioned earlier, they are in the kitchen right now which gets afternoon light at this time of year.
Thanks for the recommendations!

I got the starter kit from Equilibrio. The little bastards won't know what hit 'em! They're having a 25% off sale until tomorrow.
