Good to know that the consensus is that the spots are nothing to worry about. I've asked the grower, but you people on the forum are a lot quicker to respond. When I find out for sure, I'll pass the information on. For the slipper fans, here's what I ordered, and the size they sent:
1 Phal stuartiana ‘Larkin Valley’ AM/AOS (I know, not a slipper, but I love phal species)
1 Paph (Laser x charlesworthii) x Paph henryanum, 3 growths
1 Paph Malherbe (callosum x Goultenianum), 5 growths
1 Paph Maude Raven x Hsingying Maru, 2 growths
1 Paph Duqueslin x Paph Desert Spring, 1 growth
1 Paph Hsinying Maru x Paph Dolligold, 5 growths
1 Paph Claire de Lune x Paph Mystic Jewel, 3 growths
1 Paph charlesworthii x Paph Maude Raven, 2 growths
1 Paph Red Prince x Paph callosum, 5 growths
1 Paph Red Prince x Paph Hsingying Web, 3 growths
1 Paph Meon x Paph Oriental Enchantment, 1 large growth, 2 starting
1 Paph Mystic Jewel x Paph mastersianum, 1 growth
1 Paph Goultenianum x Paph Desert Spring, 2 growths
In addition to the plants that I ordered, they included the following bonus plants:
2 Oncidium papilio ‘Chestnut Glory’ x self
1 Paph Hsinying Quatal x Hsinying Rainbow, 1 growth
1 Phal (Orglades Puff x Mem Masami Takasaki) x Phal (Dunbar x Dawn Treader), small size
1 Phal (Orglades Puff x Mem Masami Takasaki) x Phal (Dunbar x Dawn Treader), in spike
1 Phal (Hakalau Ruler x Hilo Lip) x self, in spike
1 Phal Cygnus Empire x sib, in spike
The prices were extremely reasonable, so I shouldn't complain about a few spots. I was so impressed that I took a picture of the whole gang when they arrived, and am attaching it.