Cattleya perrinii ‘Suwada’ HCC/AVN

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Scholar, Addict and Aficionado of Orchidacea
Supporting Member
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
I was pleasantly surprised to see these blooms after a two year hiatus with the plant almost dying. It bounced back and gave three wonderfully graceful flowers. Nature is such an artist. NS 13.5 cm

Plant grows under lights 4 x T4 6400K (20 cm from light) in large bark mix, 12 hours winter, 14 hours summer, watered 2-3 times weekly with RO, fertilizer MSU, kelp, CaMg alternatively

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Thanks all. It (flowers) seems to like being under the bright T5 lights without fading so far (3 inches from bulbs). Let's see how long it maintain in the heat (eventhough a fan is blowing on the flowers constantly).
I asked my South American friends as well as Japan if they knew what AVN was and no one knew. So might be a typo on the tag. I also checked online, OrchidWiz and AOS awards but ‘no cigar’ as they say...
Suwada is a Japanese nursery. I have personally contacted the owner regarding this plant and he was the one that confirmed that this might not belong to his nursery. So it is a mystery.