Cattleya...First love.

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Blc. Melody Fair Carol....One of my best semi-alba ibrid. Great substance and size I love the contrast of the pristine white petals and sepals and the royal velvet magenta of the lip.
Blc. Melody Fair Carol....One of my best semi-alba ibrid. Great substance and size I love the contrast of the pristine white petals and sepals and the royal velvet magenta of the lip.
I once saw as a kid a picture of the huge semialba Lc. Persepolis 'Splendor' AM/AOS in a Taiwan Cattleya catalogue and was enchanted! I knew I would grow cattleyas the rest of my life once I saw another Cattleya pic of the two-toned Slc. Empress of Mercury 'Gwoluen' AM/AOS. I just didn't know that other orchid stowaways would tagged along as well lol.