Cattleya Bob Betts in full bloom

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Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
So finally we have the main show. The second two leads produced flowers that were slightly smaller (17 cm across) but maybe better shaped than the initial lead.
Still it’s an impressive display from this classic clone.
It smells wonderful in the morning sun.
it’s not so apparent from the photos but the yellow in the throat deepens in colour quite a bit as the flowers age.
David, these white flowers with yellow inside the lip are very impressive. 👌 I like this kind of flowers as well as semialba ones. With regard to the scent I can't say nothing (I put my nose close to the screen but didn't smell anything 😂 ) but I can imagine this wonderfull scent.
David, as a fellow species predominant Cattleya grower with minimal room to expand, I have been thinking about plants like this (I have one). We really like it but are we confident enough in our growing conditions to just keep one? I would really like to stop having one and a spare (just in case) for plants like this. Have you been brave enough to keep just one of almost everything? I could free up space if I followed a "one and done" rule.
I do generally just have a single plant of most things. thats because most of them are fairly new, in the last two or three years. I probably have spares, ie small back bulb divisions of just four or five clones
I can understand what you mean, Terry. Having only one of 'the one' is pretty stressful when there are issues. I can think of a plant or two that I have, that I'd like to have a copy of somewhere for hedging.

Actually I had the largest Paph Prime Child ever awarded, but when I moved, it clearly didn't like living in a grow tent with a bunch of Cattleyas. So I divided it in two, sent one division to the Huntington, and sent the other to a very successful grower. Both have told me that they would send me a division in the future if I ever wanted to grow it again.
It’s gorgeous! I went back through your threads and last time it was in full bloom was Oct. 28th 2020. Seems to have added a month this time around. My plant bloomed this year in the middle of August 🤷‍♂️.

Interested in timing because I have been collecting white cattleyas to target December blooming for future tree trimming. This plant has the bloom count, I just need you to send me some of that magical Cambridge rain water ;)
I think if I had a unique and particularly valuable plant like some of you have I would want an insurance plant growing either with me or with a good grower somewhere else. Logically I know that if my Bob Betts 'White Lightening' rotted away I could find a Bob Betts somewhere to buy so I might as well optimize the number of different plants I have instead of using space for insurance plants. Fear and uncertainty push back, but I will fight them.
Angela, some flowers have more reflexing than others. None are totally straight. The tip folds over in all of them.
Terry, agreed, white lightning is easily available in the USA, I see Hausermanns and Odoms offer it regularly. Mine came from the Fishers at Orchids limited when they had a batch of mature plants available a couple of years ago. For me it’s more of an issue in the UK.
These clones are not generally available anywhere this side of the pond.
With Brexit all imports now whether from the USA ot Europe need at least a phyto, so I won’t be adding to this list of alba hybrids anytime soon.
I think if I had a unique and particularly valuable plant like some of you have I would want an insurance plant growing either with me or with a good grower somewhere else. Logically I know that if my Bob Betts 'White Lightening' rotted away I could find a Bob Betts somewhere to buy so I might as well optimize the number of different plants I have instead of using space for insurance plants. Fear and uncertainty push back, but I will fight them.
We could compare lists because I know we have many of the same plants from my big purchase at Jerry's 3 years ago. That could give you insurance plants outside of your room and possibly free up some space. Being seedlings, though, they may not be exact. I know your Lc.
'Jason's Choice' x 'Equilab' is better form than mine (at least to my eye).