I have been keeping this for 8 years already, I lost its tag for long, so I don't know what variant it is. This one has suffered from spidermites attacks multiple times so it was not a strong plant. It was until I put it in a larger clay pot three years ago did it grow the largest psuedobulb ever, but then it was attacked by spidermites again. Anyway, the spidermites thing has been contained, and last month when the cold front was gone (I got two weeks with temp below 5C), a flower spike is spotted. As the flower spike has grown almost touching the window glass, I twisted the pot to another direction so the spike has more space to grow.
The buds are swelling up, I guess they would be pink judging by the tone of the buds
The buds are swelling up, I guess they would be pink judging by the tone of the buds