First cattleya alliance bloom for me, ever!
It was more light yellow when it opened, and I already have a Bv. Yellow Bird so I was a bit bummed (Little Birds can supposedly range from yellow to almost red so I was hoping for darker colors just to change things up). However, it's aged into a bit more of an intense gold/almost orange on its second day open, and I am quite happy with it and its cute little lip spots! It's very small, in a 2 inch pot. From orchidweb.

It was more light yellow when it opened, and I already have a Bv. Yellow Bird so I was a bit bummed (Little Birds can supposedly range from yellow to almost red so I was hoping for darker colors just to change things up). However, it's aged into a bit more of an intense gold/almost orange on its second day open, and I am quite happy with it and its cute little lip spots! It's very small, in a 2 inch pot. From orchidweb.