Thanks—that’s an awfully nice intro. Not too much to add.
Yes, I love slippers and a great many other orchid genera and other natural subject matter. That’s the common thread in fact, obvious or not. Most of my pseudo-botanical work is really too contemporary to be called illustrational, as lovely as said approach can be. Aside from some of my more straightforward floral “portraits”, I generally attempt to focus on what I like most about my subjects, so don’t be surprised if you see an allusion to stars in a piece inspired by an orchid that is evening-fragrant. I create pieces inspired by my own orchids and also by a range of photographic references often volunteered by orchid hybridizers and patrons—I can’t grow everything myself, right?
Though I am gallery represented, my main source of exposure (as it’s worldwide) is my web site. Most everything else is a promotion for the work showcased through it and my commission services which are payment upon approval of a scan of the work. Many thanks for your interest and please don’t hesitate to email me.