Amorphophallus konjac

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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experienced greenhorn
Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
No orchid at all but nonetheless an extravagant and imposing plant by its flowers as well as by its scent.
The hight of the flowers measured from the surface of the potting medium is between 80 and 120 cm.

Impressive Rudolf! I was said that it could be grown in the garden, at least in my area in France, without protection. I think I will give this nice species a try one of these days. How high are the leaves and how big the tubers?
Sylvain, they don't like frost periods, few nights with little frost should be possible when the tubers are covered with soil and as long the day temperatueres are above zero. I keep them dry without a drop of water between end of September/early October when the leafs die by colder night temperatures until April when the flowers have died. Tubers which produce flowers like these are between 8 and 12 cm in tubers 1cm in diameter. The hight of the leafes is similar to the hight of the flowers so between 80 and 120 cm. They propagate like weed, so if you want to give it a try and are interested in few tubers, send me a PM with your address and I will send you some tubers.
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Hello Rudolf, thank you for your kind proposal. However, if this species doesn't like frost and can't be grown all year round in the garden, I won't give it a try to save place in my greenhouse. That said, it is a beautiful plant.

Have a nice evening.

Sylvain, they don't like frost periods, few nights with little frost should be possible when the tubers are covered with soil and as long the day temperatueres are above zero. I keep them dry without a drop of water between end of September/early October when the leafs die by colder night temperatures until April when the flowers have died. Tubers which produce flowers like these are between 8 and 12 cm in tubers 1cm in diameter. The hight of the leafes is similar to the hight of the flowers so between 80 and 120 cm. They propagate like weed, so if you want to give it a try and are interested in few tubers, send me a PM with your address and I will send you some tubers.
I have A. konjak planted in ground in New York and they are winter hardy here on Long Island. They grow very well, produce many bulbs but never flower.
I have A. konjak planted in ground in New York and they are winter hardy here on Long Island. They grow very well, produce many bulbs but never flower.
My own experience here in Germany and literature says .... it isn't winter hardy .... but who knows ? New York is located much more south than Germany, but winters can be cold ..... Good luck with it.

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