A Few Pictures of the Awarded Paphs From the St. Paul Winter Carnival Show

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
I'm finally recovering from the back to back World Slipper Orchid Conference/Winter Carnival Orchid Show challenge. The show was very successful with i believe 11 AOS awards given, most to Paphs and Phrags. The highlight was, of course, the Phrag Ecuagenera's Dream from dmcmkl. It received an AM and a CCE
I'm finally recovering from the back to back World Slipper Orchid Conference/Winter Carnival Orchid Show challenge. The show was very successful with i believe 11 AOS awards given, most to Paphs and Phrags. The highlight was, of course, the Phrag Ecuagenera's Dream from dmcmkl. It received an AM and a CCE
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I should probably correct the record regarding the name I gave to this plant. Before it was officially registered it was changed from 'Pink Passion' to 'Superb'. Jason was asking me what I wanted to call it. I started with 'Pink Passion', then changed my mind to 'Superb'. I was driving him crazy trying to arrive at a name. The name on the card in the display is the name that was on the spreadsheet that Jason submitted to the judges when he entered them in the show.
Phrag kovachii 'Purple Passion' FCC/AOS from Orchids, Limited. Right petal was flatter on the first day. Always get pictures of your flowers before going to a show.

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I should probably correct the record regarding the name I gave to this plant as well. Before it was officially registered it was changed from 'Purle Passion' to 'Deep Purple'. As with the Ecuagenera Dream, Jason was asking me what I wanted to call it. I started with 'Purple Passion', then changed my mind to 'Deep Purple'. I was driving him crazy trying to arrive at a name. The name on the card in the display is the name that was on the spreadsheet that Jason submitted to the judges when he entered them in the show.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. It's snowing here, with more snow and cold temperatures on the way in the coming days so this has been a lovely distraction! I really like the Gisela Utz (my mom's name was Gisela). I have one from Paph Paradise and hope to get it for judging the next time it blooms. It's such a big flower for a tiny plant to produce.